[Hugh] Laurie embodied both as he devoted most of his speech to anti-Trump barbs like, “I’ll be able to say I won this at the last ever Golden Globes. I don’t mean to be gloomy, it’s just that it has the words ‘Hollywood,’ ‘Foreign,’ and ‘Press’ in the title. I also think to some Republicans even the word ‘association’ is sketchy.” Hugh has only been working in this country for 20 years. He hasn’t heard of the National Rifle Association yet.

Even more bizarrely, Meryl Streep, accepting a lifetime achievement award, virtually repeated Laurie’s joke, then mournfully called out the names of foreign-born actors and said, “If we kick em all out we’ll have nothing to watch but football and mixed-martial arts. Which are not the arts!”

This is what it’s like to view the world through Hollyweird glasses: You actually worry that President Trump is going to deport Amy Adams and Natalie Portman.

To follow up on my post yesterday referencing the DNC-MSM “Cathedral,” Goodtime Meryl has the cerulean blues; her oikophobic worldview is far closer to her Anna Wintour-inspired Devil Wears Prada character than she’d like to admit:

Not to mention her Chief Elder character in 2014 futuristic parable The Giver. Ironically, given the massive amount of money Streep has given to Democrat causes over the last four years, and her appearance as a Hillary surrogate at the Democrat convention last year, at the climax of the film, Streep’s fascist character neatly paraphrases one of Hillary’s most infamous quotes: “When people have the power to choose, they choose wrong. Every single time.” In my review of the film over at Ed, I described it as “A Chilling Cinematic Peek into Hillary Clinton’s Infamous Village.”

And just as they continually lashed out in the late ‘60s through the pre-Star Wars ‘70s, leftwing Hollywood will be very angry at us for the next four to eight years for making the choosing wrong and not supporting its building.

Related: “Two tears flowed in quick succession in that room last night. The first tear said: How nice to see Meryl Streep praising us and denouncing Donald Trump. The second tear said: How nice to be moved, together with all decent-thinking people, by Meryl Streep’s praise of us and denunciation of Donald Trump. It is the second tear that makes kitsch kitsch.”

More: FLASHBACK: Meryl Streep gave Roman Polanski a standing ovation at the 2003 Oscars.