ANALYSIS: TRUE. Scott Pruitt Is The Ideal Nominee to Lead the EPA.

Secretary of the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality, Donald R. van der Vaart:

As the head of a state environmental department with two decades of experience enforcing environmental protection laws, I am disappointed by the attacks on Pruitt’s views. The extreme environmentalist left is distorting his mainstream views because they want to bully Americans into their job-killing climate change agenda. Americans overwhelmingly rejected this outlook in November.

Like President-elect Trump, Pruitt is committed to clean air and clean water, and to restoring EPA to its original mission of enforcing the environmental laws written by Congress. He has laid out a view that human activities do impact the climate, and we should be encouraging a healthy debate over the government’s proper role in addressing them rather than trying to shut down the discussion.

As a state attorney general, Pruitt has seen the real-world consequences of EPA’s unlawful regulations, and North Carolina was proud to join Oklahoma in taking on tough fights on behalf of states who are being overrun by federal overreach. Pruitt has been a national leader in fighting back against President Obama’s various job-killing and unconstitutional regulations including those related to the “War on Coal” and the Waters of the United States rule.

Or as John Galt put it, “Get the hell out of my way!”