Most writers/pundits/broadcasters I talk to think that our soldiers are marginal losers, who probably entered the military because they couldn’t find anything “better” to do.

They are also inclined to believe that military leaders are less educated than the intellectual elite.  Many don’t know that all our commissioned military officers have college degrees,  and most of them have done post-graduate study at top colleges and universities.  Trump’s three nominees are cultured, well read, and thoughtful.  They are certainly more deeply engaged, intellectually and emotionally, than most of the civilians headed for Cabinet slots.  They know all about political correctness, for example, in very concrete ways, because the armed forces are the laboratories in which the PC theories of gender equality are most intensively tested.  When Marine officers debate whether women should serve in infantry units, it’s not just academic; people will live or die based on the decision.

Read the whole thing.