GAFFE FOR THE AGES: GREEN PARTY CANDIDATE JILL STEIN LATE FOR RALLY BECAUSE SHE WENT TO THE WRONG CITY: “The campaign of the Green Party candidate for president, Jill Stein, made one of those gaffes for the ages. The candidate was scheduled to speak in Columbus, Ohio, on Friday but she arrived two hours late because her staff had booked her on a flight to Cincinnati…This is entirely understandable. After all, most Stein staffers are of the coastal elite variety. They probably don’t know that Columbus and Cincinnati are different cities. They both begin with a ‘C,’ right?”

Well I guess Hillary can breathe a sigh of relief — she’s not the only far left presidential candidate who has a great deal of difficulty understanding what (C) stands for. As for Stein, you’d think the face of an ideology that professes to believe that plane travel is destroying the planet would be much more careful about this sort of thing.