OH, THAT DEATH OF THE GROWN-UP: “Somber cartoon tributes pour in across social media following Nice attack” — actual headline at the Website for NBC’s the Today Show.

And a telling Freudian slip elsewhere in the DNC-MSM: “CNN Chyron Fail: Suggests Muslim Male in France Was ‘Trump Rampage Survivor.’”

Related: On Terrorism and Immigration, America Is Not a Serious Nation:

When the avowedly socialist president of France, recently pilloried in the media for spending $11,000 a month on his haircuts, can immediately say after the horror in Nice that his nation is under attack from Islamic terrorism, but the U.S. president cannot blame anything other than “violent extremism” for the brutal terrorist attacks on our own soil, one sees how deeply unserious a country America has become. And this is true not just among politicians, but in our entire public culture, which has ultimately permitted as dangerous, divisive, and shallow a man as President Obama to occupy the highest office in the land.

That “entire public culture” includes an equally shallow palace guard media who placed him there.

Or as Michelle Malkin noted in her video interview with author/columnist Diana West in 2007, her book The Death of the Grown-Up, West connected the dots regarding “how this perpetual adolescence connects with our perpetual identity crimes and makes us incapable or certainly less able to fight the war against jihad that we’re in right now.” And that was before Footie Pajamas Obamacare Boy, the JuiceVox JournoList mafia, BernieBros, and “somber cartoon tributes” pouring in across social media following terrorist attacks.
