CRAZY CHRISTIANE AMANPOUR – “She’s a walking parody of an unhinged leftist ‘reporter,’” Andrew Badinelli writes at NRO:
I would cast my presidential election vote based on a “Which Candidate Are You?” BuzzFeed quiz, ask for Trump’s recommendation on skin-care products, and call Hillary Clinton for tech support before I would rely on Amanpour for an objective view of the world. For years, the mainstream media have reassured viewers of reporters’ objectivity. Lefties everywhere deny the existence of liberal media bias while swiping away Salon push notifications on their iPhones. But at least talking heads such as Chris Matthews — who has made no pretense about what sends a thrill up his leg — are more open about the leftward slant of their opinions. Amanpour — who has made the laughable claim to CBS’s Lesley Stahl that “no one knows” her biases — pretends to channel the spirit of Woodward and Bernstein. In fact, she is merely spreading propaganda as quickly as she can read a teleprompter (or fumble through notes).
I always have to laugh at the Democrat activists with bylines who still use the “no one knows my biases” excuse — not only does no one believe it anymore (if they ever did), but it’s a vestigial holdover from the earliest days of the industry, when there were only three national networks, which had to at least pose as being neutral to serve a large and diverse nation. Today’s narrowcasted world of media allows consumers to pick and chose the journalists who (more or less) best match up with their own.
It’s even more fun when journalists play the “I have no idea what the biases of my colleagues are” game. Really? You’ve been covering politics since days of Gerald Ford and you still can’t deduce the biases of the people you work with every day? How do you tie your shoelaces Ralph Wiggum, let alone report on Capitol Hill? On very rare occasions, journalists get called on this sort of tack – including the aforementioned Lesley Stahl, whom when being interviewed on Fox in 2003 by Cal Thomas claimed, “Today you have broadcast journalists who are avowedly conservative…. The voices that are being heard in broadcast media today, are far more likely to be on the right and avowedly so, and therefore, more — almost stridently so, than what you’re talking about,” to which Cal responded, “Can you name a conservative journalist at CBS News?” Two guesses as to her answer.