I’M NOT SURE WHAT THE CORPORATE HIERARCHY IS ON THIS, but Comcast spokesman Al Sharpton does not approve of Viacom spokesman Larry Wilmore’s use of the N-word during Sunday’s White House Correpsondents’ dinner, the L.A. Times reports:

Larry Wilmore’s use of the N-word to President Obama at end of his White House Correpsondents’ dinner performance received the stamp of disapproval from the Rev. Al Sharpton.

“Many of us are against using the N-word period,” Sharpton said at MSNBC’s after party that followed the event at the Washington Hilton. “But to say that to the President of the United States in front of the top people in media was at best in poor taste.”

Left out of the L.A. Times article? Language that Comcast spokesman Al Sharpton deems acceptable in public events; Sharpton himself called then-New York Mayor David Dinkins the N-word in 1992.