ANALYSIS: TRUE. Anti-Zionism Is Anti-Semitism. Get Over It.


[Pat Moynihan’s tenure as America’s ambassador the U.N., appointed by President Ford] coincided with the nadir of the U.N., the infamous resolution equating Zionism with racism. If the Third World couldn’t get directly at the United States (though not for lack of trying, such as a resolution condemning U.S. colonialism and repression in Puerto Rico), and couldn’t expel Israel outright, a resolution that amounted to a de facto equation of Zionism and Nazism would do nicely as a humiliation for the West. It passed by a wide margin, after which followed “a long mocking applause” by the Third World nations that had engineered the vote. Moynihan walked over to the Israeli U.N. Ambassador and said, “Fuck ’em.”

—Steve Hayward, The Age of Reagan Vol 1: The Fall of the Old Liberal Order: 1964-1980, 2001.