For years, we’ve been told that over prescribing antibiotics would eventually lead to the evolution of super bugs that couldn’t be killed. Well, it’s happened, and over two million people a year are infected with drug-resistant forms of tuberculosis, gonorrhea, and staph. In the past few months, we’ve seen another bug become super powered, lice. Over the years, the strongest lice have defeated over-the-counter treatments and bred to create all-powerful and uber-disgusting super lice.
2015 and ‘16 has seen an outbreak of these super-powered critters take over 25 states and they can’t be killed with traditional medications. “The lice themselves have sort of built up a resistance to conventional over-the-counter treatments that most patients use for the treatments,” said Pediatrician Daniel McCrimons.
Prevention tips include teaching your kids “If it touches hair, we don’t share,” not over-washing your child’s hair, and using a lice-preventative spray.