“Dear American Muslims, Can We Have An Honest Talk?”

—John Hawkins, Townhall, yesterday.

Now. Simply posting this isn’t controversial, is it? The event happened. Assuming the translation is correct, the question and the response are a matter of record. The reaction of the crowd is illustrative, and perhaps a window into larger concerns of the German people. Or at least the good folk of Bad Schlema, a spa town of 5,000 souls. This would seem to be news.

But it’s questionable because A) the related videos on the page may go to unsavory places, or at least places with video of unsavory sentiments; B) the point of posting the piece is problematic, because it encourages improper conclusions, and C) it emboldens the wrong kind of people who are motivated by xenophobia or nationalism.

In short, it’s not helpful. When you get right down to the truth, no good can come of it, which is probably the intention of anyone who points you to the video. Best to block any site that embeds it. You’ve no idea what else they might do.

James Lileks, today.