DID L.A. SCHOOLS OVERREACT? The NYC schools received a similar threat and deemed it a hoax.

A New York superintendent received the threat early Tuesday morning, [NYPD Commissioner Bill] Bratton said. De Blasio said the threat was specific, and Bratton said it appears to have come from overseas. The NYPD began an immediate investigation with the Joint Terrorism Task Force and the FBI.

Bratton said one indication that the email is a hoax is that Allah was not spelled with a capital “A.”

“The language in the email would lead us to believe that this is not a jihadist initiative,” he said. ” … That would be incredible to think that any jihadist would not spell Allah with a capital ‘A.’”

Latest report is that the threat originated from an IP address in Frankfurt, Germany. The LAUSD has 700,000 students and only announced the closure this morning. Think of the child care issues for working parents.