YESTERDAY’S GIANTS, TODAY’S DWARVES: Victor Davis Hanson explores “The Left’s highly selective application of today’s standards to yesterday’s heroes:”

How strange that students in the lounges of the Ivy League, their surroundings replete with gyms and movie theaters, condemn those who died in droves in covered wagons as sexist. Does anyone ponder that the supposed ogres of yesterday spent a vastly smaller percentage of their waking hours devoted to contemplating how morally inferior were their ancestors, and a far greater proportion dealing with pain, illness, and back-breaking work — just trying to live one more day?

In the past, did those suffering from inoperable tumors, 20-400 eyesight, or rickets have time to worry about micro-aggressions, safe spaces, and trigger warnings? We of the 21st century, who have nearly conquered nature, now blast as illiberal and insensitive all those of past centuries who did not enjoy our margins of error. Before I am going to blast my grandfather for being a sexist, I’m going to try to imagine what it was like to have one’s lungs eaten out by mustard gas in the dank trenches of World War I.

Read the whole thing.