IRS’ LOIS LERNER SKATES; AN UGLY PRECEDENT IS SET: “IRS officials now know they can go after any political opponent they want, ruin them any way they wish, swing an election — as occurred with Lerner’s actions — and get away with it,” Investor’s Business Daily notes:

No wonder confidence in government has plunged. Last June, Gallup conducted a survey on confidence in public institutions and found it “below historic norms” and with confidence in justice dropping to its lowest point since Barack Obama took office. Just 23% of the public had high or some confidence in a justice system that could play fairly; 34% had little or no confidence.

The Democrats may giggle with glee at seeing another of their own skate free based on the president’s executive actions through his DOJ flunkies.

But two can play that game. If a Republican as unscrupulous as Obama wins the election, the same banana republic politics in government will make Democrats the next victims.

The next GOP president may not be a gentleman of the George W. Bush variety. Political parties should be careful what they wish for.

Either way, the Coming Middle Class Anarchy looms ever larger.