SALON’S EMBARRASSING TRY AT REFUTING BEN CARSON AND SMEARING AMERICA, as spotted by Caleb Howe, who takes one for the team and reads Salon so that you don’t have to:

Salon ran an article over the weekend that is a supposed take-down of Dr. Carson’s recent comments about Islam and the Presidency. The article was written with the exactly precise amount of outrage and scorn liberal media requires at this point, and was tweeted with equal “in your FACE” churlishness. In that tweet a claim was made. I warn you, the claim is so monumentally, facially absurd that you will at first simply not believe it is a real tweet.

But it is real. It is really what a real website with a real brand really tweeted with their real Twitter account. I’m just trying to prepare you for the fact that the thing I am about to embed here in this post is an actual thing that was typed by human hands intentionally and then put onto the internet with aforethought. Put down your coffee, spit your chewing gum into your hand, and buckle up. This is going to be rough.

The tweet – and I just want to stress that this is a real thing that was done on purpose – is:

I don’t want to spoil it for you – click over and experience the astonishment for yourself. But I will add this as a preview: