GOP PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE LOSER? FOX NEWS: I was particularly disappointed with the ridiculous “gotcha!” questions posed by Megyn Kelly and Chris Wallace. Can Fox News please focus on the issues and not try to play favorites?
After this debate, my opinion changed the MOST about @foxnews, @megynkelly, @BretBaier & Chris Wallace! Utterly Disappointed…#GOPDebate
— Amy Mek (@AmyMek) August 7, 2015
Uhhh..@brithume most of us didn’t like @megynkelly questioning of everyone..very ungentlewomenly! #GOPDebate
— Janie Johnson (@jjauthor) August 7, 2015
The biggest losers in the debate were the Fox moderators who attacked instead of moderating #GOPDebate
— Ed Wrather (@edwrather) August 7, 2015