GAWKER STAFF SMEARS FECES ON ITSELF, BOARDS A SCHOOLBUS LOADED WITH GASOLINE AND NAPALM, THEN INTENTIONALLY DRIVES THAT SCHOOLBUS INTO A CARGO TRAIN TRANSPORTING TOXIC WASTE AND RETARDED CLOWNS: Heh, indeed.™ Though once you get beyond the headline written in his patented inimitable style, Ace’s post contains a good concise rundown on what actually transpired, if you’re coming in cold to this disgusting train wreck of a story.

RELATED: “Weeks before the gossip outlet took down a reprehensible article amid outcry,” Gawker publisher Nick Denton seemed to suggest to Michael Wolff of the Hollywood Reporter, via an email “apologizing for a personal attack [on Wolff and his pregnant girlfriend] that there is a lack of responsibility for the consequences of the site’s content in the new age of after-the-fact mea culpas.”

Or to put it another way: