Archive for 2022

SURE, IF THE ELECTIONS ARE EVEN SEMI-CLEAN:  House Democrats facing wipeout in midterms.

Of course, if they have a modicum of self-preservation instinct, these elections will be squeaky clean.

Anyone wants to bet on the level of their suicidal stupidity?

I know. I also don’t take sucker bets.

I’VE ALSO BEEN ACCUSED OF THIS TREASON:  ‘The View’ Smears Justices Clarence Thomas and ACB, Accuses Them of Being Race, Gender Traitors.

How can you betray something you’re born with? Does anyone sane swear allegiance to their sexual organs or their skin color? What kind of derangement even causes people to utter such bizarre nonsense. You what what The View needs? Thorazine. Lots of Thorazine. They’re a program to demonstrate the failure of mental health care in this country. There are people peeing on themselves and talking to invisible Martians all over America’s seediest cities at this moment who are saner and better informed than this collection of mentally degenerate “celebrities.”

AND THIS IS WHY THEY’RE SCARED: The Worldwide Freedom Rally You Never Heard About. (Video)

To be fair, there were outbreaks of pro-freedom worldwide before the lockdowns. Because the soft-socialism was failing everywhere, economically, socially, emotionally. I still believe Covid and the lockdowns were the leftist establishment’s attempt to control those. Needless to say it didn’t work. Instead of riding the tiger, they’re now holding on to the tiger’s tail. It’s going to get rough. Very rough. Because they’re going to try to take us down with them.

But despite the lack of coverage, you’re not alone. In the end we win, they lose. Be not afraid!

SPEAKING OF CANADIAN TRUCKERS…  Amid Escalating Protests, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Has Fled the Capital City of Ottawa – Canadian Safety Minister Refuses to Comfirm CBC Broadcast of Russians Surrounding the City.

Lord when we asked you to make our enemies ridiculous, did  You need to take it to extremes?
My son came into my room while I was reading this. I was laughing so hard, he thought I was having a heart attack or stroke or something.

I AGREE WITH ONE CAVEAT: Why I am against most Covid restrictions if not all of them.

I am against all of them. All of them. And the people who promulgated them. And everyone who is still meekly going along. It’s time to be ungovernable. Remember you’re Americans. The Canadian truckers are making us seem British.

WELL, THAT’S HIS SPECIALTY: Trump Brings the Fire in Powerful Rally in Texas.

Trump seemed in great form, with a lot of energy. Nine months from now, the people are going to send a message to the radical Democrats in D.C., Trump said, talking about the midterm elections. He praised Texas for being about family, freedom, God, and country. “And oil and guns,” he added with a smile, to great cheers. “Don’t mess with Texas,” Trump thundered, “because Texas is never, ever turning blue.”

Trump also hit on some of the news items of the day.

Trump gave a shout-out to the “brave” Canadian truckers resisting mandates, saying he wanted them to know that they were doing more than American leaders, and “we are with them all the way.”


EUGENE VOLOKH ON ILYA SHAPIRO AND GEORGETOWN: Limiting Yourself to 7% of the Potential Candidates … is usually unlikely to yield the best candidate.

That’s racist because shut up.

Plus: “President Biden had pledged that he’d select a black woman for this seat (he said he’d appoint a black woman to the Court, and this is likely the one vacancy that he’ll be able to fill in this presidential term). This is to say that he has limited himself to roughly 7% of the population. That makes it highly unlikely that whoever he picks would ‘objectively’—I take it Shapiro means based on professional qualifications apart from race and sex—be the best of the progressive picks for the spot.”




Background here and here.

IRISH FISHERMEN: BETTER AT DETERRING RUSSIAN AGGRESSION THAN BIDEN OR BLINKEN. Russians back off after Irish fishermen vow to disrupt war games. “The Russian military, which had announced naval drills off the coast of Ireland, agreed to move them further away after fishermen vowed to disrupt them.”

UPDATE: From the comments below: “Crazy times we live in, fisherman standing up to Russia, women’s tennis players standing up to China. All while the political class just keeps taking the bribe money.”

OPEN THREAD: Killin’ the time, though we sure didn’t know it. I ain’t in the business of making excuses.

THE NEW SPACE RACE: China’s Shijian-21 towed dead satellite to a high graveyard orbit. If you can do it to a dead one, you can do it to a live one. “You could look at China working to develop the capability to remove inactive satellites on orbit as a way in which it is being a responsible space actor and cleaning up debris that it caused. Or you could use the lens that a lot of the US-based China watchers use and say that this could indicate that China is developing an on-orbit offensive capability. . . . Deliberately blending all these activities together is not helpful, particularly if China itself wants to be doing similar debris removal and satellite servicing activities and have them not immediately judged as suspicious.”



Not sure it’s exactly a dichotomy, since it’s mostly the same people saying both.