Archive for 2021

WELCOME BACK, CARTER: ‘Living the life!’ DCCC hopes you’ll appreciate the graph they worked so hard on and join them in celebrating Joe Biden lowering gas prices:

Meanwhile: Cringey Kamala Harris Writes the Perfect GOP Campaign Ad During North Carolina Stop.

HARRIS: “It’s not right that families have to choose to either buy groceries or pay for healthcare; to either fill up their tank or pay their rent.

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That’s Kamala Harris pretending to drive an all-electric bus, then honking the horn. “The wheels on the bus go ‘round and ‘round,” Harris said, letting out a big laugh as Pete Buttigieg looks on.

Expect either the first, or both clips of Harris to be in wide circulation in GOP ads next year, likely with the above graphic from the DCCC. This is Dukakis in the tank levels of own-goals.

IT’S COMING: The Largest Comet We’ve Ever Seen Just Delivered a Curious Surprise. “Digging into readings logged by the Transient Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) between 2018 and 2020, researchers have discovered that BB became active much earlier, and much farther out from the Sun, than was previously thought.”

THE CULT IS ALIVE: Switching from Android to iPhone exposed my friends’ real feelings.

Surely, I thought, we’d moved past whether someone’s a “green bubble” or a “blue bubble” in a text message. But then after I started using my new iPhone, the following messages started coming in from several friends:

“I’m so happy you are blue now!!!”

“Bienvenue a la Club Apple!”

“It’s about time.”

These are all actual statements, whether through texting or in person, that friends being made aware of my switch have made to me… and I simply do not understand why.

I’m not surprised.

IT’S A MYSTERY: Baldwin ‘Rust’ Movie Set Shooting Investigators Try to Track Source of Live Ammunition. “Investigators initially found 500 rounds of ammunition at the movie set on the outskirts of Santa Fe — a mix of blanks, dummy rounds and what appeared to be live rounds. Industry experts have said live rounds should never be on set. Investigators have described ‘some complacency’ in how weapons were handled on the ‘Rust’ set.” Ya think?

Meanwhile, a friend writes:

“My wife is from Spain.” – Alec Baldwin on David Letterman Show, 2013

“I didn’t pull the trigger.” – Alec Baldwin on ABC, 2021

Ouch. And Tamara Keel has pungent thoughts:

Look, Alec, I get that you’re absolutely gutted by this.

I could be convinced that you legitimately believe that you did not pull the trigger. Our brains… our egos… will tell us some amazing lies in order to protect our id. Even though I think you’re a huge asshole, on some basic human to human level, I feel bad for you, because this is obviously a horrible experience.

But guns, and most specifically Colt Single Action Armies and their clones, do not work that way.

If it were some striker-fired semiauto, we could concoct some bizarre and cosmically unlikely hypothetical whereby the sear broke at the same time as the aliens from planet Zoltar beamed the firing pin safety out of the gun, but not on that smokewagon you were holding. You had to at least manually cock the hammer on that replica hogleg while pointing it at someone.


BEHOLD, THE TRUTH BOMB: As many of you know, I teach a class in the History of Journalism at NYU. This will be referred to in my final exam. From today’s New York Post:

“Yesteryear’s ragtag muckrakers, who tirelessly championed the little guy against powerful insiders, have become insiders themselves,” wrote three social scientists surveying America’s journalists back in 1980. “Newsmen had long cherished the vantage point of the outsiders who keep the insiders straight. But now, leading journalists are courted by politicians, studied by scholars, and known to millions through their bylines and televised images.”

HOW THE RULING CLASS VIEWS PEOPLE: U.S. hedge-fund billionaire on China disappearing people: They’re behaving like a “strict parent.” “I missed this yesterday. If you did too, make amends. Not just because the contrast this clip draws with the moral righteousness displayed by the Women’s Tennis Association is so sharp but because Ray Dalio is a major figure in American finance. He’s a billionaire many times over and a top dog at the world’s biggest hedge fund. He’s also a gross moral relativist when it comes to China’s domestic atrocities. The most you can say for this response is that he’s not the worst ChiCom apologist among America’s billionaire class.”

To be fair, China will punish him for being disloyal to China. America will not punish him for being disloyal to America.

YES, THEY CAN SPEND IT AS FAST AS CONGRESS APPROPRIATES IT: Figures published by the Peter G. Peterson Foundation show federal bureaucrats have disbursed $4.9 trillion, or 85 percent, of the Coronavirus relief funds approved by Congress and signed into law by Trump and Biden.

SPACE: Vice President Harris outlines space policy aimed at ‘growing threats.’ “Vice President Kamala Harris announced Wednesday a new framework for space policy aimed at addressing growing threats in space posed by other nations, space debris and climate change. . . . Harris took aim at Russia in clear terms during her address. The new space policy framework comes on the heels of a Russian anti-satellite test Nov. 15, which destroyed one of Russia’s own satellites and created a cloud of space debris that continues to threaten astronauts and cosmonauts on the International Space Station.”

REP. CHIP ROY’S CHALLENGE: Every day seems to bring another federal judge declaring His Fraudulency’s vaccine mandates unconstitutional, but congressional Democrats still want to fund the feds’ enforcement of those decrees.

So Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) is making himself a genuine pain-in-the-tush for Republicans who want to talk about reducing government, but who lack the political intestinal fortitude to walk the walk with their votes. If ever there was a gimme vote for limiting government, defunding the enforcement of what are clearly unconstitutional executive branch decrees ought to be the one.