Archive for 2021


Utterly, completely unrelated: The Seven Stages of Dementia.

OPEN THREAD: Well they try to protect you from the things you read, ain’t no tellin’ where a little music might lead.

SORRY, BUT I DON’T SEE 5 VOTES AT THE SUPREME COURT TO OVERTURN ROE. Roe & Casey at the Supreme court: How Prolifers and Republican Politicians Should Prepare.

The thing to remember is that abortion is valued by the gentry class because it allows daughters to put off marriage and pursue an education that ensures continued gentry-class status. This includes much, probably most, of the Republican gentry. And the Supreme Court is a 100% gentry class institution by design.

FLASHBACK: Ilya Shapiro: The Voter Suppression Lie.

The voting wars have flared up again, though they’ve never really been far from the national political debate since Donald Trump was elected in 2016, or the Supreme Court decided Shelby County v. Holder in 2013 — or really Bush v. Gore in 2000. This time, a massive new Georgia law, the Election Integrity Act of 2021, also known as Senate Bill 202 (or SB 202), has triggered national apoplexy, with Democrats, including President Joe Biden, declaring it the new Jim Crow. Such comparisons are insulting to those who fought for civil rights in the 1960s, incendiary to a public discourse already hampered by low institutional confidence, and at base disingenuous.

Minority voters support voter ID, etc. by huge margins. The “racism” charges are just an attempt to intimidate people who are afraid of being called racist by crooks. Which, sadly, is a lot of Republican officials.

THE LEFTIES ARE PUSHING FAKE MEAT AND NOW HYDROPONIC VEGETABLES. There’s just one downside: “Hydroponic production is not growing because it produces healthier food. It’s growing because of the money. Anyone who frames this as food for the people or the environment is just lying.”

Okay, two downsides: “Although the nutritional profile of hydroponic produce continues to improve, no one yet knows what kind of long-term health impact fruits and vegetables grown without soil will have.”

Okay, three: “Frankly, the vegetables and fruits such as strawberries have almost no flavor. Tomatoes taste like red sponges. It’s efficient but that’s it.”

So why are they pushing it? “Vertical farms can be built next to urban centers.” Maybe it’s part of the urban/rural war. Protecting the supply lines.

CHRISTIAN TOTO: How Comedy World Discriminates Against Straight White Men. “Fischer, best known for his spot-on impressions of Dr. Anthony Fauci, Owen Wilson and Bill Burr, has watched the comedy world increasingly discriminate against straight white men over the past few years, all in the name of diversity.”

GUESS WHO LOSES? ‘Climate Change’ vs. the Uyghurs. “Politico reports on growing tensions within the Democratic coalition, with the environmental activist faction of the party objecting to even the mildest attempts by the Biden administration to confront China over its human rights violations and international aggression. . . . But for the environmentalists, none of this really matters. They’ve convinced themselves that climate is the preeminent political issue, and no other consideration even comes close. Many of them would even argue that American capitalism and climate change are inseparable — even indistinguishable — political problems, never mind the fact that, while the U.S. has led the world in total carbon emissions decline since 2000, China’s new coal-fired energy capacity alone outstripped the rest of the world by 300 percent in 2020. Like the tankies of old, who invariably defended the Soviet Union’s various atrocities, the modern variety can’t imagine any bad actor on the world stage aside from the United States.”

It’s as if the greens are really red.