Archive for 2021

ON EARTH DAY LETS REMEMBER: Like the Marxists, which most of them are, the Green movement has decades of wrong predictions and analysis to their credit.



But, hey, what can you expect of a Holiday started by a guy who composted his ex-girlfriend in a trunk?

KNOW YOUR PLACE, PEASANT:  Sign at George Floyd Square gives list of special orders for white visitors.

I don’t intend to visit. I guess a particularly kind of soft headed person does. But I’d like them to know the place for that list. As an American, I want to inform the they should take that list, fold it all in corners and put it where the sun don’t shine.


MOLLIE HEMINGWAY: Deep State Mouthpiece Retaliates Against Staffer Who Uncovered Russia Collusion Hoax. “David Ignatius has been used for decades as a conduit for anonymous intelligence officials to spew their claims, no matter how erroneous, partial, or unsubstantiated those claims are. And he doesn’t mind being so used.”

Well, the rewards are great, and the penalties are few.

OPEN THREAD: What are you doing to make things better?