Archive for 2021


The problem is they think they’re dealing with serfs. While we ain’t nobody’s serfs. We ain’t got no “betters.” The somsofbiches ain’t been born.

WILL WE GET TO HEAR THE LAMENTATIONS OF THE MSNBC WOMEN? Fox News Wins 2021: How the Network Went From Last Place in January to Crushing CNN and MSNBC. “According to data from Nielsen/MRI Fusion, Fox News is watched by more Democrats than CNN and by more Independents than both MSNBC and CNN.”

Plus: “Tucker Carlson Tonight ended the year number one, followed closely behind by The Five, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham. Fox’s newest hit, Gutfeld!, a late-night comedy show launched in April is regularly landing in the top five in recent months while beating broadcast shows like ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live!, NBC’s The Tonight Show, and Comedy Central’s The Daily Show. Host Greg Gutfeld is also a panelist on The Five, making him one of the most seen faces (if not the most) on cable news any given day.”


These people will provoke a real insurrection with their behavior if they aren’t restrained by more sensible people. And the way the Democrats are doing in the polls, we may reach the point where a majority of Americans would be okay with that.

UPDATE: Roger Kimball: Jan. 6 is looking like a ‘Fedsurrection.’

Beattie’s latest story revolves around Ray Epps, a Phoenix-based professional provocateur and, apparently, FBI asset.

Epps was originally near the top of the FBIs list of “most wanted” figures from the Jan. 6 protest-cum-riot at the Capitol.

Then a funny thing happened.

Epps’s name was purged from the FBI files.

Some 700 people have been arrested for their part in the Jan. 6 demonstration.

But Epps and a handful of other major players in that drama remain unindicted.

Indeed, although the FBI surely knows their identity, they remain nameless to the public, known only through amateur video footage of the event. . . .

Beattie shows that what the media label an “insurrection” is almost certainly better described as a “Fedsurrection.”

And when I say “shows,” I mean shows.

His long essay doesn’t just describe what happened.

It is punctuated by scores of photos and video clips that prove the accuracy of what he describes.

We do not know with 100 percent certainty that the figures who organized and orchestrated the breach of the Capitol did so at the instigation of federal authorities.

But it sure looks that way. . . .

A review of the video footage shows a handful of main players that day.

None have been indicted.


The simplest explanation is that the people who took down the fences and the “restricted area” signs, who loudly directed crowd into the Capitol, were federal assets.

Beattie is right. “If Ray Epps was acting on instructions from a government handler from any federal agency (FBI, ATF, Pentagon, DHS, DEA, anything), we now are talking about perhaps the single most egregious caught-on-camera intelligence operation in our lifetimes.”


MORE: Possibly related:

HOLY TOLEDO!  HOW DID I MISS THIS?:  I include it now–more than a week late–in case you missed it too:  “Two major real estate search engines nix crime data in racial equity push.”  Maybe we haven’t reached “peak woke” yet after all.  You have to be out of your mind to believe that it is more “equitable” if home buyers are kept in the dark about crime in the neighborhood that they are investing their life savings (not to mention their actual lives) in.

MORE ON THIS DUBIOUS IDEA: Giant Kite Will Pull a Ship Across the Ocean Next Month. So if I recall correctly, 100 square feet of sail will generate about 1 horsepower equivalent in a 15 mph breeze. With a kite area of 5,380 square feet, that’s about 53 horsepower, which is what 1960s vintage VW Beetles had. How much acceleration will that impart to a ship 505 feet long? They don’t give its weight, but it’s a lot heavier than the Beetles, which didn’t move very fast . . .

TONIGHT ON PARKS AND RECREATION: Oh, So That’s Why So Many Aides Are Waiting to Flee the Biden White House.

The Biden White House is incompetent. We all know this. It’s in their execution. It’s in their policies. It’s now seen in the polling. This guy is on Pluto. We have several crises hitting the nation—and Joe Biden is nowhere to be found. He can’t keep up. He’s too old. And he cannot handle the rigors of the job, which is why his staff does most of the work. His people say the economy is roaring. It’s not. Voters know it’s not, but they’re not changing course on messaging. That’s bad news for working families who are being crippled by the inflation fiasco that Joe’s team doesn’t care about. It’s good political news for Republicans as Biden’s sinking poll numbers show a red tsunami that’s about to crash into DC yet again.

Yet, what about the Biden White House staff. Isn’t it awesome working for the president even though his brain is oatmeal? No. In fact, it’s a pit of misery. Reports are that scores of White House staff are “eyeing the exits.” They can’t stand the work environment. The holiday parties are mostly grounded in a lottery system for staffers. It’s a cold, dark place working for Joe Biden (via Politico):

* * * * * * * *

Christmas parties mean a lot these days, I guess. Still, this looks like it’s just the tip of the iceberg. Maybe this revenge from the senior staff who most certainly read the stories about how aides mute the televisions in the White House when Joe Biden speaks because he’s so painful to watch. It’s a little tit-for-tat action, maybe? Either way, it all feeds into the same narrative that this White House is a total train wreck—and holiday parties were the tipping point for most. Who knew?

As Rick Moran adds at PJM, “Staff gripes about a busy workplace are nothing new in politics or anywhere else. But these are supposed to be the president’s true believers, and to talk about leaving after less than a year should set off alarm bells among senior aides who are apparently treating those lower on the staff totem pole with little respect. Some presidents have reportedly been impossible to work for — Nixon and Truman were both supposed to be SOBs to the staff. Biden himself may be a reasonable man, but his top aides apparently are not.”

Even before he entered his current Trunalimunumaprzure phase, Biden himself was not a reasonable man.

HELP AN OLD-TIME BLOGGER: Gerard van der Leun writes that Mike Hendrix of Cold Fury needs help after having his leg cut off. Story here.

And here’s the GoFundMe. I just donated a hundred bucks. One of the few bloggers to make it past the 20-year mark! (Bumped).

UPDATE (from Steve): I chipped in, too. “Mike’s Field Guide to Tough Chicks” after all these years is still one of the best things I ever got to read for free. (Re-bumped.)

(Re-bumped again by Glenn).

DON SURBER: She’s right. They don’t treat Kamala like a male VP.

The New York Times chivalrously defended Kamala today with a lengthy story on her vice presidency. The spin is Biden used her to get elected and now wishes to discard her.


Paragraph 13 caught my eye, “Ms. Harris has privately told her allies that the news coverage of her would be different if she were any of her 48 predecessors, all of whom were white and male. She also has confided in them about the difficulties she is facing with the intractable issues in her portfolio, such as voting rights and the root causes of migration. The White House has pushed back against scathing criticism on both fronts, for what activists say is a lack of attention.”


Spiro Agnew never made the cover of Vogue.

On the other hand as Ace writes, “Kamala, if you were a white man, you would be running title checks in a real estate office:”

A friend said about the “I did that!” gas pump stickers that Brandon is seeing levels of contempt, disgust, and pure disregard that even Obama didn’t.

Maybe, but then, Obama demonstrated that if you publicly show him contempt, you’ll be fired: remember the rodeo clown who dared do what American citizens had done for 250 years before– he made fun of the sitting president.

He was immediately fired.

Obama could have stepped in and been a statesman and said, “Now, now, come on, people are allowed to make fun of the president; let’s not punish a man for exercising a time-honored right.”

He did not. He wanted that man made to be an object lesson. He wanted it known throughout America that you dared to insult him at your very grave peril.

But yes, we are seeing higher levels of open mockery and contempt for Biden. Such as the “Let’s go Brandon” chant at public events and its more vulgar cousin.

Remember how the leftwing media used to claim that criticism of Obama could only be explained as racism?

So what’s animated the Let’s Go Brandon phenomenon? A resurgence of Anti-Irish Animus?

And note that the media used to shriek that we could not insult or sport fun about Obama because it was “racist.” They can’t make that claim with Biden, so now they just say we can’t chant “Let’s Go Brandon” because it’s… um…

Because it’s “vulgar.” Because it “coarsens our public discourse.”

And of course the media would never abide any vulgar coarsening of our public discourse.

Semi-serious question: Is Harris even aware of the FJB/Let’s Go Brandon chants that Biden has received? Given the self-centered bubble she exists in, it’s possible she isn’t. It doesn’t appear she’s even been asked about the chants by the DNC-MSM.

DAVE BARRY’S YEAR IN REVIEW: Wait, wasn’t 2021 supposed to be better than 2020?

Let’s fast-forward straight to December:

President Biden, in a reassuring address to the nation on his strategy for dealing with a potential winter coronavirus surge, urges Americans to “do what it says on the teleprompter.”

Meanwhile the news media, performing their vital, constitutionally protected function of terrifying the public, run story after story documenting the relentless advance of omicron, with headlines like “First Omicron Case Reported in Japan,” “Omicron Now Reported In California,” “Omicron Heading Your Way,” “OMICRON IS IN YOUR ATTIC RIGHT NOW,” etc.

In federal-budget news, congressional leaders, facing what we are required, by the rules of professional journalism, to describe as a Looming Deadline, work feverishly to prevent an unprecedented partial shutdown of the government for the 27th or 28th time. Finally they hammer out a deal under which the government will be temporarily funded via a loan from an individual named Vinny, to be repaid in cash by Feb. 18 or else Vinny takes legal possession of the nuclear aircraft carrier of his choice.

No, that would be insane. Although not as insane as the way we actually fund the federal government.

The big economic story continues to be inflation, which is the worst it has been for decades, with the hardest-hit victims being low-income consumers and major college-football programs, which are being forced to pay tens of millions of dollars to obtain the services of even mediocre head coaches. In another disturbing economic development, the Federal Reserve Board issues a formal statement admitting that it has no earthly idea what a “bitcoin” is, and it’s pretty sure nobody else does either.

In international news, President Biden and Russian President Putin have a two-hour video call to discuss the situation in Ukraine, with a White House spokesperson reporting that the two leaders made “encouraging progress” toward locating the unmute button.

Elsewhere abroad, the state-run Saudi Press Agency reports that a prestigious Saudi beauty pageant for camels, with $66 million in prize money, disqualified over 40 contestants because they received Botox injections, facelifts and other artificial touch-ups. We are not making this item up.

In sports, Major League Baseball’s collective bargaining agreement expires, raising the possibility of a work stoppage next season, not that anyone would notice, inasmuch as the average professional baseball game this season lasted as long as the gestation period of a yak, but with less action.

In holiday-season news, travel in the Midwest is snarled when the U.S. Department of Agriculture, seeking to alleviate a shortage of Christmas hams, releases 17 million head of pig from the Strategic Pork Reserve, blocking every major road into and out of Iowa and causing the region to smell, in the words of Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds, “even worse than usual.”

Finally, mercifully, the troubled year nears its conclusion. As the nation prepares to celebrate New Year’s Eve, the mood is subdued and thoughtful. People are still getting drunk and throwing up, but they’re doing this in a subdued and thoughtful manner. Because nobody knows what 2022 will bring. Will it suck as much as this year? Will it suck more? Or will it suck a LOT more? These appear to be our choices.

Perhaps, as we face the new year, we should look beyond the confines of our troubled planet for reasons to hope. Perhaps we can turn for inspiration to the plucky NASA rover Perseverance, which, as 2021 draws to a close, sends a message back to Earth across millions of miles of space. It’s a simple message, but one that resonates deeply with all of humanity: Perseverance has detected omicron on Mars.

OK, so that’s not very hopeful. But don’t let it stop you from ringing in 2022 on a festive note. For one night, forget about the bad things. Be festive, party hard, and, in the words of Dr. Anthony Fauci, “lower your mask before you throw up.”

Meanwhile Jim Treacher is much more succinct with his review of 2021: “Just kidding. I’m not going to review 2021. I just want it to be over.”

MAYBE THE RULES DON’T WORK: “Thousands who ‘followed the rules’ are about to get covid. They shouldn’t be ashamed.”

Vaccinated and boosted, she took a test last week ahead of holiday travel to Atlanta. She was stunned when it came back positive…. ‘I feel very embarrassed and dumb,’ she says, and upset that she’s causing her family stress. ‘It’s eye-opening that I feel so much shame from it. I’m realizing how much judgment I was secretly harboring against people who got it before.’

“The headline seems to misstate why Aline feels shame! It’s not shame over getting the disease despite following the rules. It’s shame for having been so judgmental toward other people. . . . Because she trusted in the precautions she devotedly took, she developed the idea that those who got the disease must not have done their part to avoid it. They were the disgusting others — the deplorables. Looking down on those people was part of believing in the worth of her efforts and the safety she was acquiring for herself, but now that she’s one of the people she used to find disgusting, her options are to find herself disgusting or to realize she was wrong when she thought they were disgusting. There’s shame involved either way.”

But bear in mind, the essence of leftist politics is dividing the population into “righteous” and “unrighteous,” with oneself on the righteous side of course, then heaping scorn and abuse on the unrighteous.