Archive for 2021

NO, THE KIDS WON’T BE FINE: It’s been a truism since the No-Fault Divorce era whenever the welfare of the little ones involved is mentioned. Now we have 50 years and more of data and it’s clear the kid’s weren’t and aren’t going to be fine as the traditional one man/one woman/staying together come Hell or high water marital model fades. And yes, I was as guilty of saying it as anybody reading this post, so being judgmental isn’t my purpose here.

WE’RE FIGHTING BACK!:  Concerned shareholders take action against Coke’s racist demands.  (It’s possible that I’m biased, since I am chairman of the board, but I believe the American Civil Rights Project, which is representing the shareholders against Coke, is a great new organization.)

NEW HOLIDAY SLOWS THE FEDERAL LEVIATHAN FOR ONE DAY: Yesterday, the House of Representatives passed and Biden signed into law a bill declaring Juneteenth to be a federal holiday.  Since Juneteenth (June 19) falls on a Saturday, that means today (the very next day after the bill became law) will be the work holiday.  A meeting of the Commission on Civil Rights, which had been planned for a long time and noticed in the Federal Register, had to be called off.  I assume similar activities have been called off throughout the federal bureaucracy.  It’s interesting that even our nation’s leaders are unconvinced that what the federal government does is important.

MADAM, THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO FEAR AUDITS ARE FRAUDSTERS:  “Fraudits Have No Place in Colorado” – Democrat Colorado Secretary of State Issues Emergency Rules Prohibiting Election Audits.

What you’re saying is that you took power by fraud and you mean to hold it.  As a Colorado of three decades standing, I beg leave to inform you that just because you break the fire alarm, it doesn’t mean you won’t get a fire.  And in Colorado these days, you can smell the anger in the air, like you smell the smoke on hot Summer afternoons.

As for me, I judge sane people have no place in Colorado anymore. We’re expediting our exit as soon as possible. I wish you joy of what remains.


And I recommend salting the ground for good measure.