Archive for 2021


They told us “two weeks to slow the spread.” My suggestion: when the 2 year anniversary comes up – that’s 52 times the amount of time they asked – we all agree to just stop wearing them all at once. If they have the power to insist, like on air travel, we all just agree to put up a huge fuss every single time before we put it on. I think that would probably finish off these pointless mandates.

STILL AVAILABLE: New Apple AirPods Pro. #CommissionEarned Glenn has these and loves them.

COLLUSION: China’s Subnational Influence at Work in the New York State Legislature.

The New York State Legislature has a long record of promoting “friendship” with the People’s Republic of China and the Chinese government.

According to data made available by the Asian American Business Development Center (AABDC), which has been organizing trade delegations from New York to China “specifically designed for state legislators and executives of small and mid-size businesses” since the early 2000s, then-State Senator Malcolm A. Smith, in collaboration with AABDC, led the first business mission to China in 2004. In 2006, the first group of New York State Assembly members formed the New Majority Trade Mission and embarked on a similar trip. One legislator recalled, “[E]verywhere we went, gifts, tea, and the red carpet were pulled out and showered upon us.”

For the following five years, AABDC has curated at least one trip annually with support from the Chinese Consulate in New York and Foreign Ministry-affiliated Chinese People’s Institute for Foreign Affairs. The 2007 “New York State Legislators Trade Mission to China” resulted in the decision to establish the state’s first official presence in China, namely, the New York in China Center in Beijing, which opened in 2008. In 2009, the New York State Legislature and Jiangsu Provincial People’s Congress (JPPC) signed a memorandum of understanding to “establish regular communication between Offices of the President Pro Tempore of the New York State Senate, the Speaker of the New York State Assembly, and the Foreign Affairs Committee of the JPPC Standing Committee” to support exchanges and cooperation.

Read the whole thing.

UPDATE: Elon Musk warns Starship engines could bankrupt SpaceX. “Responding [to] the leaked email on Twitter, Musk confirmed that – in certain circumstances – bankruptcy is indeed a possibility. ‘If a severe global recession were to dry up capital availability/liquidity while SpaceX was losing billions on Starlink & Starship, then bankruptcy, while still unlikely, is not impossible’ Musk tweeted.”

Starship’s first orbital test flight is still expected in January.

EVERYTHING IS GOING SWIMMINGLY: BREAKING: US only adds 210,000 jobs in November. “Economists expected a job-creation boost of 573,000. The BLS reported that the US economy added well below half of that. Only 210,000 jobs got created in November, another in a series of disappointing results in an economy where millions of jobs have yet to be recreated more than a year after most of the pandemic shutdowns ended. . . . That’s the lowest month total in nearly a year, and there’s no particular outside event driving the disappointment.”

Plus: “This will come as a rude shock to the White House, which used better numbers from September and October to promote Joe Biden’s economic policies. Earlier this week, Biden himself claimed to have created 5.6 million jobs this year in a record expansion of the workforce, but that’s simply not true. The jobs being created now are replacements for those destroyed by government-imposed shutdowns last year, mainly in the first and second quarters of 2020. We are now in the fourth quarter of 2021 and we’re still around six million jobs short of where would otherwise be by now, and it looks as though the economy is stalling well short of a jobs recovery.”

Related: Free falling: A quarter of Dems strongly disapprove of Biden performance in new poll.

Also: Voters worried about inflation don’t know why we’re spending trillions on Build Back Better, says … Dem who voted for it.

And: Biden tormented by Republican guerrilla campaign and ‘I did it’ stickers.

Also: 100Pcs I Did That Biden Funny Car Stickers. #Resist #CommissionEarned