Archive for 2021

OPEN THREAD: How are you?


THE ANSWER IS, WHATEVER THE RULING CLASS NEEDS IT TO BE AT THE MOMENT: IS RACE DISCRIMINATION LEGAL, OR NOT? Neither consistency, nor the actual statutes, matter in a post-rule-of-law society.

NEWS YOU CAN USE. Gorillas don’t lie: Chest beats provide reliable information about a male’s size. “To communicate their dominance to potential female mates and rival males, gorillas use cupped hands to rapidly drum their chests. The beating sound can be heard from more than half-a-mile away. . . . ‘Our previous study showed that larger males are more dominant and have a higher reproductive success than smaller males.'”

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Wokeness is a Weapon of Privilege. “Wokeness is not really about fairness for minorities, the oppressed and the poor, past or present. It is mostly a self-confessional cult of anointed bullies, and hypocrites of all races and genders, who seek to flex, and increase, their own privilege and power. Period.”

Yes. Wokeness is the state religion of the oligarchs. Wokeness is not about taking power from The Man. Wokeness is The Man’s way of securing his power over the rest of us.