Archive for 2021

WILL ANYTHING CHANGE AT CNN? David Zaslav Vows To Be “Very Hands-On” And LA-Based In Running Warner Bros Discovery; Future CNN Boss Calls Fox News An “Advocacy Network, Not A News Network.”

[Ken] Auletta elicited some of the most provocative comments of the session when he asked Zaslav about the news business and his expected stewardship of CNN. At one point, he asked whether Zaslav, who helped create MSNBC when he worked at NBC in a prior career chapter, thought Fox News did “a good job” as a news organization.

“I think Fox News is much more of an advocacy network than a news network,” Zaslav said. “That’s the business I’m in, with Food Network and HGTV. Those are advocacy networks.”

In the 1990s, when MSNBC and Fox News launched, Zaslav said, “the world was in a different place. I think overall we’d probably be better off if we just had news networks in America,” rather than those with an opinion element. “But we don’t. Media tends to be a reflection of where the country is. Where the country was when we launched MSNBC was much more fact-based and less divided.”

Targeted media platforms today, from podcasts to newsletters, have enabled people to “find their voice,” Zaslav continued. “And then you have networks that emerged that look to support and nourish and reinforce those voices. I don’t think overall that’s a good thing. I think we’re better off all having a chance to see, as Carl Bernstein would say, the best version of the facts that we have.”

Quoting Carl Bernstein in a positive light is quite a tell that CNN will continue its leftist slant.

LEARNING FROM NATURAL IMMUNITY: Malaria: New knowledge about naturally acquired immunity may improve vaccines. “The antibodies which the body produces when you have been infected with malaria look different from those produced by the body when you have been vaccinated. And that probably means that our immune system has a more efficient response when we have been naturally infected than when we are vaccinated against malaria.”

How about that?

WHY IS THE FDA HOLDING UP POTENTIALLY LIFE-SAVING COVID TREATMENTS? “As the Washington Examiner’s Tim Carney pointed out, ‘In the past 30 days, more than 37,000 people died of COVID in the United States, according to the CDC. Over the next 35 days, [the Pfizer treatment] could prevent tens of thousands of avoidable deaths. But instead, the FDA won’t immediately let Pfizer sell a drug it knows to be lifesaving.’”

UPDATE (FROM GLENN): To be fair, if highly effective treatments are available, the case for mass vaccination collapses.

SCHIFF: ‘We couldn’t have known’ about lies behind Steele dossier. From PJM alum Tyler O’Neil, now at Fox News:

Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, defended his longtime promotion of the now-discredited Steele dossier by claiming that his team “couldn’t have known” that Igor Danchenko, the Russian analyst believed to have been the dossier’s sub-source, had allegedly lied to former British spy Christopher Steele.

“Well, first of all, whoever lied to the FBI or lied to Christopher Steele should be prosecuted, and they are,” Schiff said on “The View” Tuesday.

“But at the beginning of the Russia investigation, I said that any allegations should be investigated,” he continued. “We couldn’t have known, for example, people were lying to Christopher Steele.”

Yet Schiff’s intelligence committee had extensive access to key sources in the Russia collusion investigation and access to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team. The committee conducted some 40 hours of hearings into the dossier and related matters. Schiff finally released the transcripts in May 2020, after then-President Trump threatened to release them, and the results seemed inconvenient for his narrative.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper had told Schiff and his colleagues, “I never saw any direct empirical evidence that the Trump campaign or someone in it was plotting/conspiring with the Russians to meddle with the election.”

As Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch adds:

FROM A FRIEND: “Fifty years ago this week ‘The Theme From Shaft’ kept John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ from getting the #1 spot on Billboard’s Top 40 and and it descended thereafter. I’m fine with that because I think ‘The Theme From Shaft’ was a way better song.” Musically, and morally, superior.


In this meticulous, relentless biography, Joseph P. Kennedy is now firmly established in the annals of twentieth-century fascism. When he arrived in England in early 1938, he quickly found a home among the ruling elite who believed, as Susan Ronald puts it, that “fascism was the cure for communism.” Notwithstanding FDR’s unprecedented provocation of sending an Irishman with no diplomatic skills to Great Britain, Kennedy immediately sided with Prime Minister Chamberlain and the appeasers, believing that any deal with Hitler—no matter how humiliating and lethal to the lives of millions—was preferable to war. Kennedy never stopped believing that Hitler could be bought off, that businessmen could do business with fascists.

But appeasement, in and of itself, is not, of course, a form of fascism. Even Neville Chamberlain eventually realized that Hitler’s cruel lust for power could not be satiated by offering so much of Europe to his suzerainty. FDR understood that Hitler could not be appeased and became increasingly wary of Kennedy, but kept him in England because the President felt the Ambassador’s defeatist attitudes would demoralize the American people and undermine democratic life. Kennedy, on his leaves home, lectured FDR and said “very frankly” that the United States “would have to come to some form of Fascism here.” He did not believe Great Britain could survive a war against the fascist powers and that America would become increasingly isolated and lose control of its markets if FDR’s government did not take over control of the economy to counter Hitler’s hegemony over his capitalists. Kennedy proposed that the President “organize a small powerful committee under himself as chairman and this committee would run the country without much reference to Congress.”

Kennedy thought solely in terms of economics. Although he said he cared about the fate of Jews and persecuted minorities, in the end he thought they would have to be sacrificed for the greater good of the United States and its allies. Like Hitler, Kennedy believed in a Jewish cabal, which had thwarted him and that was intent on instigating incidents that would draw America into a disastrous war. “To defeat fascism,” Kennedy argued in a memorandum, the United States would “have to adopt totalitarian methods” and strike deals with dictators.

When the war actually began, Kennedy remained defeatist, proclaiming to journalists, to his British colleagues, and to FDR himself that Great Britain was finished as a world power and that a German invasion of the UK would succeed. Even after the heroic RAF victories during the Blitz and the Battle of Britain, Kennedy predicted defeat. In short, he never acknowledged that the will, the spirit, or the values of the democracies would triumph in war. Democracy, he insisted, would be vanquished.

Like father, like sons: Did John F. Kennedy Admire Adolf Hitler?

John F. Kennedy admired Hitler as a young man and felt fascism was right for Germany, according to a new book in German that mines the future president’s diaries.

According to Spiegel Online’s article on the book, the 20-year-old Kennedy pondered on August 3, 1937: What are the evils of fascism compared to communism? On August 21 he added that the Germans had been ganged up on.

The book is “John F. Kennedy Unter Deutschen” (“John F. Kennedy Among the Germans”) – featuring travel diaries and letters between 1937 and 1945. The work, edited by Oliver Lubrich, documents three visits by Kennedy to Germany – in 1937, 1939 and 1945. “At first glance, one could get the impression that Kennedy endorsed fascism and even admired Hitler,” Spiegel writes.

Bobby Kennedy’s Fascist Moment: “If our colleges and universities do not breed men who riot, who rebel, who attack life with all their youthful vision and vigor then there is something wrong with our colleges. The more riots that come on college campuses, the better the world for tomorrow.”

JOHN NOLTE: Pulitzer-Winning ‘Historian’ Nikole Hannah-Jones Deletes Dumbest Possible Hiroshima Hot Take.

“You’re the only one who poorly understands history,” she tweeted. “They dropped the bomb when they knew surrender was coming because they’d spent all this money developing it and to prove it was worth it.”

Then she closed with this self-own: “Propaganda is not history, my friend.”

The dishonesty, ignorance, and toxic mix of both that comes from the Woke Nazis never ceases to amaze and disgust. What’s more, even after deleting the tweet, she’s not admitting she was wrong or correcting the record.

“Well, apparently we are at a time in my career where a tweet response with 100 likes is worthy of all kinds of explication and condemnations five days after I wrote it, even after I’ve deleted it,” she whined. “But sure, ok.”

What a class act our “betters” are.

So here are the facts…

Japan had ZERO intention of surrendering. In fact, Japan was so determined not to surrender, Japan did not even surrender after the first bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. Three days later, we had to drop a second one on Nagasaki. Good heavens, even after the second bomb hit Nagasaki, the Emperor still had to intervene with the Supreme Council for the Direction of the War and demand they surrender.

As far as lives saved, the facts are stunning.

As Victor Davis Hanson wrote in 2018, “It’s easy in retrospect to fault Truman’s decision to drop atomic bombs on Japan, but he had only worse options at his disposal.”


We were — and still are! — being told by most of the media that critical race theory isn’t in high schools at all. Meanwhile, a tsunami of evidence is out there showing that it absolutely is — in every subject, and every class, as the central philosophy behind many states’ education policies.

We all get things wrong. What makes this more worrying is simply that all these false narratives just happen to favor the interests of the left and the Democratic party. And corrections, when they occur, take up a fraction of the space of the original falsehoods. These are not randos tweeting false rumors. They are the established press.

And at some point, you wonder: what narrative are they pushing now that is also bullshit? One comes to mind: the assurance that the insane amount of debt we have incurred this century is absolutely nothing to be concerned about because interest rates are super-low and borrowing more and more now is a no-brainer. But when inflation spikes and sets off a potential spiral in wages to catch up, will interest rates stay so quiescent? And if interest rates go up, how will we service the debt so easily?

I still rely on the MSM for so much. I still read the NYT first thing in the morning*. I don’t want to feel as if everything I read is basically tilted through wish-fulfillment, narrative-proving, and ideology. But with this kind of record, how can I not?

We need facts and objectivity more than ever. Trump showed that. What we got in the MSM was an over-reaction, a reflexive overreach to make the news fit the broader political fight. This is humanly understandable. It is professionally unacceptable. And someone has got to stop it.

Andrew has discovered the Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect. Read the whole thing.

* Last year, one author made a modest proposal to solve the Times’ myriad woes: Starve the octopus. “The first step to ridding ourselves of the octopus is to stop being afraid of it. Oh my how terrified people are of the octopus. What if it comes down on you? What if it attacks you? What if you are cancelled and your reputation is ruined and your name dragged through the mud and you can never again get a job or a friend or enjoy a meal in peace. That is just another deception. The New York Times does not have guns and tanks to send against you. It cannot really hurt you. The next step of ridding ourselves of the octopus is to stop feeding it. Stop feeding the octopus. Just stop. Stop reading the New York Times. Right now. Never again visit that awful web site or look at that awful paper or that tweet or that awful article. Do not have that conversation. Do not click or press on the link your friend sent you who is trapped in its clutches. It is a boogeyman and if you fear it it will only get stronger and if you ignore it it will go away.”

JIM TREACHER: Kyle Rittenhouse Shot Three (3) White People and Zero (0) Black People.

I’m putting that fact in a headline because somebody needs to.

For the past 15 months, most “news” outlets have been skirting around one simple fact: Kyle Rittenhouse has never shot a black person. Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber, the men who were killed while attacking Rittenhouse, were both white. Gaige Grosskreutz, the man who was shot while pointing a gun at Rittenhouse, is white.

A lot of people still don’t know that fact, because the media they trust to give them the news has hidden it from them. It doesn’t fit the preferred narrative. It doesn’t help promote “social justice.”

* * * * * * * *

A lot of libs are preparing themselves for the emotional shock of not getting what they want, just because the evidence is completely against them. If they don’t get the result they want, they have to blame anybody but themselves.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Kyle Rittenhouse is neither a hero nor a terrorist. He got in over his head that night and defended his life against people who were attacking him. Self-defense is not murder, even when the press wants it to be because they’re so obsessed with race that they brand someone a white supremacist for shooting three white people.

I just hope it’s too cold in Kenosha right now for anybody to riot. That’s what these ghouls want. More rioting. More destruction. More blood for the blood god.

The Rolling Stones planning Altamont had nothing on the DNC-MSM, which during the Obama era concluded that riots are great for ratings: Blue Cities Will Continue to Burn Until Media, Democrats Condemn Riots.

Related: Social Media Companies Suppressed Claims of Kyle Rittenhouse’s Innocence. Twitter, Facebook deemed defendant guilty immediately after Wisconsin shooting.