Archive for 2021

THE LEFT IS BEING STUPID:  More on the DOJ’s war against protesting parents – and on fighting back.

This is reaching “suicide attempt” levels. We’re not Chinese peasants. Sooner or later, revolt will come, and retribution will not leave two stones standing. As someone who can, on looks alone, be confused with a leftist, this worries me sick.


I was lucky, as my school had an attack of “we can’t even” and continued the G & T subrosa. In the attic, past all the broken furniture.
But honestly? Today’s gifted and talented programs are just “more button counting for good little boys” and I found them exasperating when the boys were tracked into them.


NO ONE DENIES CLIMATE:  Google, YouTube to Prohibit Monetization of Videos Featuring ‘Climate Denial’ Content.

No one even denies climate changes. What we deny is a) that there is proof this is due to human action. b) that socialism and statism is the answer.

Important question: are the left actually stupid enough they believe their own formulation?

I’d say no, but given that most journalists and execs are dumber than Obama and AOC combined, well….

DEMOCRATS PROVIDE COMIC RELIEF: Bad blood meets cold cash: Say, whatever happened to “Swifties Against Youngkin”?

To Terry McAuliffe, it must have seemed too good to check. Unfortunately for Democrats, he didn’t. McAuliffe and his campaign tried to make hay over Glenn Youngkin’s involvement in the fight over Taylor Swift’s publishing rights, in which he worked with former Swift business partner Scott Samuel “Scooter” Braun. They created “Swifties Against Youngkin,” complete with ad buys and merchandising, as The Verge reported on Tuesday. . . .

That seemed too good to be true, right? Apparently it was, because two days later, Team McAuliffe and Virginia Democrats memory-holed the entire operation. . . .

What did happen? Well, a quick look at Open Secrets’ donor records shows one Scott Samuel “Scooter” Braun to be a major contributor to, um … Democrats. In the past few cycles, Braun appears to have donated well into six figures for candidates like Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, and Tammy Duckworth, among others. There doesn’t appear to be a single Republican among Braun’s recipients .. not even Youngkin.

Braun also donates heavily to state Democratic parties. For instance, he kicked in a $4,113 donation to the Democratic Party of Virginia almost exactly a year ago, which qualifies as this current election cycle in the commonwealth. At least for now there don’t appear to be any donations directly to McAuliffe, but then again, we don’t have access to any recent activity. It’s at least possible that McAuliffe and Virginia’s Democratic Party were using Braun’s money to demonize Youngkin for working with Braun himself.



When the story vanished almost immediately without following the usual “school shooter” template I figured the shooter was black, and of course I was right.

COVERING THE IMPORTANT NEWS: The NFL’s Play Of The Year Might Just Be The Double Punt From Seattle’s Michael Dickson. “Joe Buck and Troy Aikman had already stated that the double punt wouldn’t count, and most viewers at home surely thought the same. The yellow flag lying on the turf indicated that the officials on the field felt similarly. But then, after about a 90-second huddle between the officials and Rams head coach Sean McVay, referee Ronald Torbert addressed the crowd and delivered the message that the NFL world badly needed to hear: The kick was legal.”

GREAT MOMENTS IN CORRECTIONS:  New York Times issues massive correction after overstating COVID hospitalizations among children.

“An earlier version of this article incorrectly described actions taken by regulators in Sweden and Denmark. They have halted use of the Moderna vaccine in children; they have not begun offering single doses. The article also misstated the number of Covid hospitalizations in U.S. children. It is more than 63,000 from August 2020 to October 2021, not 900,000 since the beginning of the pandemic. In addition, the article misstated the timing of an F.D.A. meeting on authorization of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for children. It is later this month, not next week,” the lengthy correction stated in full.

Journalist Jeryl Bier asked, “How did an error that large happen, @NYTimes?”

Columnist Phil Kerpen sarcastically said the Times reporter was “meeting her usual standards” with the inaccurate report.

If only the New York Times had a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter laser-focused on this topic. The correction was appended to an article written by his successor, who earlier this year wrote this: