Archive for 2021


OPEN THREAD. Well, here we are.

FRONTIERS OF SCIENCE: Researcher analyses fatphobia through her experience. “Nina Navajas Pertegás, assistant professor and researcher at the UV Department of Social Work and Social Services, has carried out a study on the consequences of fatphobia and the cultural imposition of thinness through her own experience, with a body itinerary that ranges from her childhood to adulthood. This scientific methodology, called autoethnography, has helped the researcher to conclude that the stigma of being fat generates a substantial renunciation of physical and psychological well-being to favor the normative body ideal, in which those people whose body is not normative are marginalized.”

“Scientific methodology.” Basically, a middle-school diary.

ALWAYS THE LEFT’S PROMISE, AND ALWAYS A LIE: 30 Years Ago, Romania Deprived Thousands of Babies of Human Contact. “Signs displayed the slogan: THE STATE CAN TAKE BETTER CARE OF YOUR CHILD THAN YOU CAN. . . . After the Romanian revolution, children in unspeakable conditions—skeletal, splashing in urine on the floor, caked with feces—were discovered and filmed by foreign news programs.”

Plus: “‘I walked into an institution in Bucharest one afternoon, and there was a small child standing there sobbing,’ recalls Charles A. Nelson III, a professor of pediatrics and neuroscience at Harvard Medical School and Boston Children’s Hospital. ‘He was heartbroken and had wet his pants. I asked, “What’s going on with that child?” A worker said, “Well, his mother abandoned him this morning and he’s been like that all day.” That was it. No one comforted the little boy or picked him up. That was my introduction.'”

FEMALE BODYBUILDING: The real effects of competition dieting:

Most saw a 35 to 50 percent decrease of fat mass. Yeah, they got ripped. Muscle size was either maintained or only slightly decreased. Weight training plus a higher protein diet allowed them to keep all or most of their muscle, the researchers concluded.

That’s all good, but their hormonal systems were wrecked. “Serum concentrations of leptin, T3, testosterone, and estradiol decreased,” researchers noted. Menstrual irregularities were also common.

Several years ago my trainer did a bodybuilding competition (I forget if she was competing in the “fitness” class or the “bikini” class, but both are far more rigorous than the full-on Ms. Olympia was a couple of decades ago). She won both the Novice category and, impressively, her weight class. But she didn’t feel right for six months afterward.

Bodybuilding, both male and female, has mutated to the point where it’s not about looking, or being, healthy. Some of that is the influence of steroids, but some of it is basically just mission creep.

Related: The Death of Women’s Bodybuilding. “When Corey Everson was Ms. Olympia from 1984 to 1989, the contest was often held in Madison Square Garden in front of a sellout crowd of screaming fans. Thirty years later and it’s a sideshow at the Olympia expo, or at least it used to be.”

FLASHBACK: WHO now advises healthy people to wear non-medical face masks. “The United Nations public health agency previously recommended in early April only healthcare workers, those infected with the coronavirus and their caregivers should wear medical masks. WHO at the time said the use of medical masks among the general public could create a false sense of security and cause people to ignore social distancing measures and hygiene practices. The agency said another concern was people may contaminate themselves by touching their face more frequently when they adjust, remove and dispose of their masks. Medical mask supplies were also needed by medical professionals overwhelmed by the coronavirus pandemic.”

NEO: Biden and the Big COVID Lie.

You may wonder how it is that Biden (or those handling him) thinks he can get away with a lie such as this one:

Joe Biden is at it again with yet another lie about the vaccination plan, claiming President Donald Trump didn’t have a plan, despite the demonstrable fact that Trump was getting about a million people vaccinated a day by the time that Biden came in…

* * * * * * * *

And the American public appears to have bought it. I certainly know people who did, and most of them had been saying since last March that Trump was doing everything wrong regarding COVID. That’s what they read in the MSM, that’s what they heard their friends say, and everyone knew it was true. In vain I would point out certain facts – for example, I’d ask them when they thought Trump had appointed the Task Force on COVID. No one ever got it right, and they had trouble believing me when I told them that Trump had announced its formation quite early – on January 29, 2020 – and that Fauci and Birx were already onboard at that time.

But even learning that, or any other fact about what Trump had done early on to fight the disease, didn’t really change much in their minds.

Read the whole thing.

PREPARING YOURSELF FOR A VIOLENT ATTACK. “I have to continually fight the inclination to become complacent. After all, bad things rarely happen around here.”

Attack into the ambush. Once, for some reason, I decided to test the Insta-wife’s responses by grabbing her purse from behind. She immediately yelled and — instead of yanking back on the purse as most people would have — charged into me before she even knew who it was. I’ll never do that again, and probably no one else would, either. Ferocity gets you a long way, but it has to be instinctive.

ADVICE VIA TED STURGEON: “[B]reaking up a culture isn’t something you can do on an afternoon off. You’ve got to know where it’s been and where it is, before you know where it’s going. […] Then you have to decide how much it needs changing and, after that, whether or not you were right when you decided. Then, it’s a good idea to know for sure—but for sure—that you don’t push it so far, it flops over some other gruesome way.”

That last bit is the hardest.