Archive for 2021

TRUNALIMUNUMAPRZURE! LOL: Biden Tricked Into Agreeing With ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ During NORAD Event.

On Friday, Joe and Jill Biden did a video call into NORAD to see where Santa is. After speaking with some kids, a father said to the Bidens: “I hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas as well. Merry Christmas and Let’s go Brandon.”

“Let’s go, Brandon. I agree,” Biden said in response.

Luckily for us, the event was live-streamed and we have the video.

This will end well:

UPDATE: And we’re off, with Reuters first out of the gate! “Much about the Christmas Eve exchange was not immediately clear, including what the caller intended, why Biden repeated the slogan and whether either knew the origin of the phrase. The White House did not respond to requests seeking comment. Jared’s full name and contact information were not immediately available.”

Give the DNC-MSM time; it will be. Just ask the rodeo clown who was fired for mocking Joe’s former boss.

More: The DNC-MSM always gets their man: Oregon father of four who told President Biden ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ on Christmas Eve call said he meant it in jest.

The Oregonian filing this story under the “Public Safety” category is the perfect Orwellian touch to send a warning to anyone else who dares attempt to talk back to their would-be rulers. (At least when he has a “D” after his name.)

(Updated and bumped.)


MERRY CHRISTMAS: Let nothing you dismay.


From the comments: “As a buddhist, this is beautiful, Christians really do need to stand up and reclaim christmas because big business and human greed have transmored a spiritual beautiful day into a month long binge eating and booze fest, and its quite simply very sad, and i say this as a buddhist.”

PETER HITCHENS: The last Noël in the USSR.

By the time we went to live there, at the end of the Gorbachev era, the festival was no longer actually banned in Soviet Moscow. Young Pioneers no longer patrolled the wintry streets searching for subversive Christmas trees, as they had done in the early years of the Leninist state. The air no longer trembled with the sound of cathedrals being dynamited, or of great bells being torn from their towers and spitefully smashed, as it had done in Stalin’s day. There were even attempts to restore some of the many Orthodox churches and monasteries desecrated and befouled by use as warehouses or reformatories.

The League of the Militant Godless, once a huge semi-official organization dedicated to mockery and hatred of God, of priests and believers, had quietly vanished during the war against Hitler. God had, during that odd period, proved a useful Comrade, at least as long as the war went on. He had been exiled and canceled again since, but not with quite the same scorn as before.

In any case, our western nativity festival was far too early for those remaining Russians who had somehow managed to cling to faith during the long decades of murder, desecration, intimidation and outright persecution. Orthodox Christmas, still governed by a more ancient calendar than ours, falls in early January. And in 1990, an Anglican Christmas in the Soviet capital was still a personal matter. St. Andrew’s Anglican Church, in Victorian times the center of a thriving English community on the very borders of western civilization, was still at that time requisitioned by a cold-hearted atheist government, and forced to serve as a state-run recording studio. So it was just us and a tatty copy of the 1662 Prayer Book.

The Kremlin had sought, fairly successfully, to blot out all recollection of the birth of Our Savior from normal life, especially among children. Instead it had encouraged a huge celebration of the New Year, just a few days before the Orthodox Nativity. Stalin had even abandoned his original attempt to eradicate the Russian Santa Claus, a hard-drinking, white-bearded character called Ded Moroz (Grandfather Frost) and his female subordinate, the Snow Maiden. People liked them too much, so the Communist Party had repurposed them to serve the new order. They were absorbed into the Atheist New Year festivities, including a communist New Year tree that looked suspiciously like a Christmas tree, unless adorned with an official red star.

The New Year feast was all-encompassing, impressive and impossible to ignore. The street on which we lived was an immensely wide avenue built for giants. It roared day and night with dirty, spluttering vehicles, its center lane much used by the Politburo’s huge, snarling limousines. Yet even this highway fell silent for the holiday. And in that dark city, it was astonishing to see the festive lights switched on, making it, for a few brief hours, as bright as a western capital. But this was not our celebration. It was its enemy. I have disliked the New Year heartily ever since.

Read the whole thing.

Related: The National Socialists Fought the Original War on Christmas.

And speaking of the Brothers Hitchens: Hitch-21: If Christopher Hitchens were alive today.


WE’VE DESCENDED INTO SOME SORT OF BIZARRE HELL-WORLD IN WHICH PIERS MORGAN IS A VOICE OF SANITY: Piers Morgan dismantled cancel culture for ‘ruining’ Christmas: ‘Sucking joy out of life.’

Beloved Christmas song “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” which was written by Frank Loesser and popularised in the 40s film “Neptune’s Daughter”, has caused controversy in the past decade. The song, which has been covered by world-famous crooners such as Dean Martin, has faced criticism among some listeners for the alleged implications of its lyrics. The male vocal part’s unrelenting pressure for the female to “stay” despite repeated suggestions she should go home have been described in certain quarters as suggestive of sexual harassment.

The first time the song was widely criticised for its lyrics was 12 years ago.

Then, in 2018 “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” was cancelled by a number of radio stations in Canada and the US after social media criticism and public pressure.

In a throwback episode of Good Morning Britain, Mr Morgan was apoplectic about efforts to ban the song, and suggested that cancel culture was “sucking the joy out of life”.

As Mark Steyn wrote in 2014:

A few decades back, a young middle-class Egyptian spending some time in the US had the misfortune to be invited to a dance one weekend and was horrified at what he witnessed:

The room convulsed with the feverish music from the gramophone. Dancing naked legs filled the hall, arms draped around the waists, chests met chests, lips met lips . . .

Where was this den of debauchery? Studio 54 in the 1970s? Haight-Ashbury in the summer of love? No, the throbbing pulsating sewer of sin was Greeley, Colorado, in 1949. As it happens, Greeley, Colorado, in 1949 was a dry town. The dance was a church social. And the feverish music was “Baby, It’s Cold Outside,” as introduced by Esther Williams in “Neptune’s Daughter.” Revolted by the experience, Sayyid Qutb decided that America (and modernity in general) was an abomination, returned to Egypt, became the leading intellectual muscle in the Muslim Brotherhood, and set off a chain that led from Qutb to Zawahiri to bin Laden to the Hindu Kush to the Balkans to 9/11 to the brief Muslim Brotherhood takeover of Egypt to the Islamic State marching across Syria and Iraq. Indeed, Qutb’s view of the West is the merest extension of “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” — America as the ultimate seducer, the Great Satan.

I’m a reasonable chap, and I’d be willing to meet the Muslim Brotherhood chaps halfway on a lot of the peripheral stuff like beheadings, stonings, clitoridectomies and whatnot. But you’ll have to pry “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” from my cold dead hands and my dancing naked legs. A world without “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” would be very cold indeed.



ONE OF SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE’S FUNNIER 21st CENTURY SEGMENTS: 2005’s Christmastime For The Jews.  “Just watch it. And you don’t have to be Jewish. My WASP husband gets almost every joke.”



ANALYSIS: TRUE. France is Bacon.

OPEN THREAD: Enjoy this Christmas morning chance to chit chat. The regular open thread will still be up tonight.