Archive for 2021

MELISSA MACKENZIE: Nancy Pelosi’s January 6th Select Committee Hoax. Once again, the regime persecutes enemies to cover for its own evils. “What is Nancy Pelosi and her hand-selected secret Select Committee on January 6th up to? Short answer: presiding over a politically motivated conspiracy fever dream to neutralize political opposition to the Democrats. Shorter answer: nothing good. Mao would be proud.”

DISPATCHES FROM PORTLANDIA: Portland’s Cop-Hating City Commissioner, Jo Ann Hardesty, In Trouble With Creditors Again.

For the second time in recent years, Jo Ann Hardesty has been sued by a bank for non-payment of a debt. This may be the least of her problems, however. Her response, naturally, is to create a diversion by suing the City of Portland and the Portland Police Bureau. When one looks past the diversion and examines her history, one can clearly see a pattern of mismanagement in Hardesty’s personal life, along with several incidences of breaching organizational trust. This begs the question: how responsible can she be as a public servant?

The most recent lawsuit concerns a credit card debt Hardesty appears to have blown off, leading to a simple suit in circuit court to obtain a judgment and enforce repayment. If negotiations for repayment fail, such a judgment is often followed by court orders for wage garnishment, bank account garnishment, or even a property lien.

Bank of America filed suit against Hardesty in November over two credit card debts totaling $16.051.54. She was served with legal notice of the filing on Dec. 1 and has 30 days from that date to respond in writing, or a default judgment will be entered against her.

Related: Andy Ngo in April on “The anti-cop hypocrisy of Portland’s pols:” “This week brought news that Portland City Commissioner (as councilmembers are known) Jo Ann Hardesty called the cops over an argument with a Lyft driver days before the city council was scheduled to vote on her proposal to slash millions from the police budget. The hypocrisy is glaring, but the bigger lesson is about the damage an activist political class can do to cities all over America if they follow in Portland’s foolish footsteps.”

FINALLY, GOOD NEWS FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON: Joe Manchin May Have Just Killed Transformational Liberalism for a Decade. “Obviously, it’s hard to predict so many elections ahead of time. But there is a reason why liberals were reaching so high in 2021, attempting to pass historically massive legislation with historically narrow majorities. The reason is that they knew it could be there last opportunity to enact something game changing for quite awhile.”

SAME: Howie Carr: Biden’s pandemic makes more miss Donald Trump.

This week the nation passed the “grim milestone” of 800,000 COVID deaths. Last October, during a presidential debate, Biden spoke directly to the American people as he mentioned the official death toll:

“Two-hundred twenty thousand Americans dead,” Biden intoned. “Anyone who’s responsible for that many deaths should not remain President of the United States.”

Now, the count has more than tripled, and most of the deaths have been since what he called on Friday his “inaugaranation.” So by his own standards, Dementia Joe should now resign, or be removed, in shame and disgrace.

But the media says, as one, “Nothing to see here folks, move along.”

So far, there have been reportedly seven recorded deaths in the UK — and when MP’s demanded details about the first death, they got the same treatment Peter Doocy does every day at the White House.

I had Dr. Marty Makary of Johns Hopkins University on my radio show this week and he described omicron as “a pandemic of lunacy which is dominating the airwaves.”

In Florida and many other parts of the US, though, life is back to normal. The hysteria is being promoted, yet again, in the blue states.

And it’s easy to understand why — the Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) would rather talk about anything other than Dementia Joe’s dismal performance this year.

Which is understandable. Plus:

Inflation, the ongoing invasion on the southern border, Afghanistan, the supply-chain crisis, a violent Democrat-inspired crime wave now spreading out of the cities into the chi-chi soccer-mom suburbs …

Bottom line, Dementia Joe has had a worse year running the U.S. than Urban Meyer did with the Jacksonville Jaguars.

Of course the Democrats prefer to promote the Panic, I mean, pandemic.

There’s only one problem. Now they’re in charge. Either it’s really bad, and by their own admission they had no clue what was coming. Or it’s just another wag-the-dog operation, to change the subject from their own massive failures.

I vote for the latter.


UP IN SMOKE: Pot Industry in California on Verge of Collapse. “Potheads who thought government legalization of pot would lead to heaven on earth forgot about one tiny detail: getting the government involved in anything either makes it more expensive or ruins it completely. In the case of legal pot in California, it’s both.”

To be fair though, think about Gaia! Greenies Against Grass: Climate Change Believers Now Attacking Legal Marijuana.



THE PANIC IN NEEDLE PARK: New York City’s Drug Experiment.

Step off the New York City subway at 125th and Lexington, and you will find yourself in what can only be called an open-air drug market. The subway entrance is an easy place to score—the day I visited, one man stood yelling, “Drugs! Drugs! Drugs!” like a ballpark vendor. On every block, people slump where they stand, “nodding out” from opioid intoxication.

According to one resident, however, last Tuesday morning NYPD cars temporarily replaced the users and dealers in advance of the media-heavy launch of New York City’s Safe Consumption Sites (SCS), officially sanctioned centers where people can use drugs under the supervision of medical professionals armed with overdose-reversing medication. In their first day, the two sites—one in East Harlem and the other in Washington Heights—permitted more than 70 people to consume drugs in a designated “overdose prevention center,” then ride out the high in a DMV-like waiting room.

The launch culminates years of work by outgoing mayor Bill De Blasio; his successor, Mayor-elect Eric Adams, has indicated he plans to support the project. The two seem to agree that the urgency of New York’s drug crisis—2,000 deaths last year alone, and a 200 percent increase in the overdose death rate in the last two decades—justifies this radical approach. As city councilman Mark Levine put it, “This strategy is proven to save lives, and is desperately needed at a moment when fatalities are rising fast.”

Desperate times call for desperate measures, and with 120 of them in operation across ten countries, Safe Consumption Sites are not an untried idea. But contrary to the reassurances of New York’s leaders, a sober reading of the evidence reveals how little we know about how well they work and their social side effects. New York is essentially conducting an experiment—an illegal one—not only on drug users but also on residents of some of its most-challenged neighborhoods, without any clear metrics for success.

The site is a particular burden to the residents of East Harlem, which already hosts many of the city’s drug-treatment facilities. Data obtained by the Greater Harlem Coalition, a neighborhood advocacy group, show that while central and eastern Harlem are home to just 3 percent of New Yorkers, 18 percent of the city’s drug-recovery patients go there for treatment. Just 17 percent of those people are from East Harlem proper, while 75 percent are from outside Harlem altogether.

Related: Theodore Dalrymple in 2003 on England’s drug experiment: “Incidentally, the rise in deaths from methadone in America is probably attributable to the adoption of British methods. For once, the Americans are copying us, with predictably disastrous results.”