THE ENEMY WITHIN: Fed Reserve Tells Employees Not To Use Offensive Terms Like Founding Fathers. “At least now we can understand why the feds tried to cover up the Wuhan Lab leak theory. After all, that would mean COVID-19 was manmade, and that’s a bad word.”
Archive for 2021
June 15, 2021
WHO COULD HAVE SEEN THIS COMING? As Battle Against Virus Ends, Mayors Confront a New Villain: Criminals. “They are cheerleading the return of office workers to downtowns and encouraging tourists to visit, eager to rejuvenate the economy and build public confidence. But they are also frantically trying to quell a surge of homicides, assaults and carjackings that began during the pandemic and has cast a chill over the recovery.”
This happened because of a deliberate campaign to use George Floyd’s death as a lever to weaken or eliminate policing. And many mayors went along with it, at the cost of their cities’ vitality. The biggest victims, as always, were the poor and working-class citizens of those cities.
REALITY BEYOND PARODY: Ilhan Omar’s Disgusting Attack on Israel Even Offended HAMAS.
COOLER HEADS PREVAIL: Washington & Lee University Board Votes 22-6 To Keep Lee’s Name (Faculty Had Voted 188-51 To Remove It).
At some point, people were bound to start asking why we should turn our institutions upside down because of one use-of-force incident in Minnesota.
THERE’S STILL AN AMERICA: June Road Trip In the Hill Country.
UNLIKE A DOG, THIS CAT IS PROUD OF IT: Woman posts ‘My Cat Is A Thief’ sign next to her pet’s stolen items.
OH, THEY’VE BEEN WINNING BY FRAUD FOR AT LEAST 12 YEARS, PROBABLY MORE: Election Fraud is an Issue that Will Not Go Away.
But this time? This time it was so blatant, they’re fools to think they can hide the stinking corpse under the rag rug.
THERE IS NO REFORMING THE WHO: G7 Leaders Anti-Pandemic Declaration Includes ‘Reforming and Strengthening WHO’.
We recommend razing it and salting the Earth so no such abomination grows again. The WHO delenda est. And take the CDC with it.
Not because he’s senile, mind you. Those are the two brain cells he’s always had.
GOOD. NOW LET’S GET IT GOING, SHALL WE? Humans could make babies on Mars after new sperm discovery, study says.
I don’t know about you, but we got to get out of this place….
END ALIENOPHOBIA: Alien contact could ‘end life on Earth,’ scientists warn.
Bah. Look how long Hilary has been among us, and life on Earth persists*.
*Except, of course, for those who commit suicide**.
**With two shots to the back of the head.
GEE, IT SEEMS A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE SAYING THAT: Kevin Hart trashes cancel culture supporters: ‘Shut the f–k up!’
HE DIDN’T VOTE FOR THE FICUS, SO HE AIN’T BLACK: Today’s blacklisted American: Black Congressman blacklisted by Congressional Black Caucus.
THE LITTLE FICUS (FRAUD IN CHIEF OF THE US) WHO WASN’T THERE: Biden Shows Up Late And Still Isn’t There For Presser.
CHICKENS, HOME, ROOSTING: New York Hospital Lobby Wants Out Of COVID Liability.
June 14, 2021
WELL, TO BE FAIR, MOST OF OUR LEADERS ARE ON THE ADVERSARIES’ PAYROLL: While Democracies Lecture, Their Adversaries Run Free: Team Biden confuses stern statements with progress on China, Russia and Iran.
It all sounded very impressive and was certainly a greater display of unity than former President Donald Trump ever managed to produce. Yet China and Russia appear unimpressed, as does Iran. Russia turned from consolidating its hold over Belarus to tightening the crackdown on internal dissent. China proceeded with the systematic destruction of Hong Kong’s liberties while moving forward with its ominous naval buildup. Iranian ships bearing mysterious cargos plowed steadily across the Atlantic toward its allies in the Western Hemisphere.
The harsh reality is that the U.S. and its allies are losing ground to their adversaries, and the balance of power is moving sharply against us. Worse, many Western leaders seem to have forgotten what it means to win.
They’ve been paid to forget.
Flashback: We’re Not Exporting Our Values to China — We’re Importing Theirs.
OPEN THREAD: Whispered dream, gone before the morning.
ANALYSIS: TRUE. ‘Even North Korea is not this nuts’: Defector slams ‘woke’ US schools. “The 27-year-old told The Post that she couldn’t believe she would be asked to do ‘this much censoring of myself’ at a university in the United States.”
Wokeness is a deliberately-fostered species of mass hysteria.
BREAKING NEWS FROM 2012: What to Do With a Lawless IRS?
ROGER SIMON: Brentwood to Brentwood: Is It Taxes or Politics?
I have been meaning to write a piece with the (mildly) ironic title “Brentwood to Brentwood” for some time. The opportunity arose over the weekend when I attended a party for Nashville area refugees from California.
The party was given by Galen Walker and his wife Kathy at the Bold Patriot Brewery they originally opened in Norco, Calif. in 2012 and then relocated to Nashville in 2019, making it an appropriate venue for such an event.
The migration from California to Tennessee (and other red states) has been going for some time but seems to have picked up speed just before and during COVID. Sometimes it seems that everyone who can get out of California does.
Of course, that’s far from true and moving even across town for most people is an arduous task the majority are loathe to undertake.
Nevertheless, a significant number are moving from California to Tennessee and I like to call it “Brentwood to Brentwood” because both states feature a well-known community called Brentwood.
In the case of California, Brentwood is a very upscale part of Los Angeles that, in the nineties, became one of the best known neighborhoods in the country, even the world, as the then-residence of one Orenthal James Simpson who, after a sojourn in prison, now resides in Las Vegas after the Florida attorney general advised him to leave.
Brentwood, Tennessee is not quite as upscale, or as famous, but definitely a well-to-do suburb of Nashville and a sought after place to live for country music stars and executives of the area’s dominant healthcare industry.
Obviously, not everyone is lucky enough to go Brentwood to Brentwood, but the most interesting question is why they pick up and go at all.
Is it politics, taxes, a combination, or are they just sick of California?
What life has become in locales like Venice—the once desirable beachfront capital of hippiedom now infested with homeless tents and littered with used syringes—would argue for the latter, but, it’s safe to say, it’s complicated.
For one thing, Nashville itself is blue—though not blue in the California sense. Most liberals here are of the relatively sane sort, although, ominously, there is a growing “woke” contingent.
Some of us migrants were surprised and taken aback by this. I know I was.
Further, though the state of Tennessee itself is one of the reddest of the red, GOP politicians, particularly on that state level, tend to lag behind their constituents. (Florida is the reverse.)
I have been told these Republican state politicians, some of them anyway, are really just new clothes versions of the old Southern Democrats that once ruled Tennessee. That strikes me as excessive, but there is some validity.
On the positive side for genuine conservatives and libertarians, however, those same GOP constituents are beginning to fight back and make their views and feelings known. You have the sense that change is in the air and that the politicians will have to respond or be primaried out.
This is particularly true now that Critical Race Theory is rearing its ugly head throughout the educational system.
* * * * * * * *
A couple of years ago, my friend University of Tennessee law professor Glenn Reynolds recommended on his site Instapundit that Tennessee residents should set up a welcome wagon for all those coming here, to remind them to leave their liberal politics behind. They were coming here for a reason.
I thought that was a good, and amusing, idea at the time. Now I’m not so sure it’s necessary.
Governor Ron DeSantis reports that the majority of those coming to his state of Florida are registering Republican.
That could well also be true of Tennessee (as well as a number of other red states that are growing).
Last week, Bryan Preston noted that “Newcomers moving to Texas will also receive a pamphlet outlining the history and policies that make Texas what it is, thus putting the ‘welcome wagon’ project that myself, Glenn Reynolds, and others have sought to establish into state law.” I rarely disagree with my former boss, but I’d like to see additional red states institute their own Welcome Wagon projects.
COCAINE MITCH PLAYS FOR KEEPS: McConnell: I’ll Block Biden SCOTUS Appointment in 2024 (and Maybe 2023) If I’m Majority Leader.
OLD AND BUSTED: Republicans Pouncing and Seizing.
The New Hotness? Republicans Ramping Up! Arizona station says the GOP has ‘ramped up a misleading campaign’ to cast Democrats as anti-police.
Phoenix NBC affiliate KPNX receives a very well-deserved ratio: