Archive for 2021

ROBERT SPENCER: The Biden Administration’s Truly Ominous Christmas Wish List for America.

The whole controversy over the vaccines, after all, is one of credibility. Biden’s handlers insist the vaccines are safe, yet there is growing evidence that this is not completely true. CBS News reported that the CDC “issued updated recommendations preferring Pfizer and Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines over Johnson & Johnson’s, in light of new data about the risk of a rare blood clotting side effect linked to the Johnson & Johnson shot.” As for Pfizer, The Hill reported Sunday that “health authorities in New Zealand have said they believe a 26-year-old man’s death is connected to a side effect from Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.”

Biden’s handlers also insist that the vaccines are effective, yet The San Francisco Chronicle recently reported about a COVID outbreak at a wedding at which “most if not all of the guests wore masks” and everyone was vaccinated. Meanwhile, the NFL just postponed three games because of a COVID outbreak, despite the fact that all players are required to be vaccinated.

In light of all that and much more, what the Biden administration actually needs in order to stand vindicated for its vaccine mandates and warnings is a large amount of severe illness and death among the unvaccinated this winter.

I never thought I’d look back fondly on Jimmy Carter’s malaise speech, but at least he wasn’t implicitly cheering for millions of Americans to die.

UPDATE (FROM GLENN): I’d say “heh,” but this isn’t really funny.

OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY: Biden To Spend $7.5 Billion on Chargers That Electric Car Owners Likely Won’t Use. “Conveniently placed vehicle chargers could mitigate the range issue: Ideally, a trip to a charger would simply replace a trip to the fuel pump. But the Biden plan is unlikely to fix this problem. There are two types of public vehicle chargers, Level 2 and Level 3. (Level 1 uses a standard power outlet.) Level 2 chargers produce around 25 miles of range per hour, meaning that a full charge from empty could take five hours or longer. Level 3 chargers produce considerably more power, and can charge some vehicles from empty to 80 percent in as little as 15 minutes. But while Level 2 chargers cost less than $3,000 apiece, Level 3 chargers cost as much as $140,000 each to build. There is no indication which the administration prefers, but if it plans to build 500,000 for $7.5 billion, it’s almost certainly going to have to settle for Level 2 chargers.”

KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEF: Michael Flynn vs Granny Boxwine—Make Extra Popcorn. “It’s impossible to predict anything anymore, but I still feel that none of this is going to turn out the way the Democrats are envisioning it in their mentally disturbed Trump hate fever-dream.”

CHRISTIANITY BIRTHED MODERN SCIENCE: Speaking of Stephen C. Meyer and the Webb telescope, he’s also up on a new Prager U video explaining how modern science was encouraged by Christianity and many of the most famous scientists, including those of the present era, were and are believers.

FIGHT THE POWER: Alex Berenson Sues Twitter For Purging Him From The Platform. “Complaint: ‘the company broke its promises, its stated policies, and our laws, including a nearly 150-year-old California law that explicitly sets out its obligations as a company in the business of carrying messages.'”

DID YOU KNOW NASA LAUNCHES A TELESCOPE TODAY THAT CAN SEE YESTERDAY? Stephen C. Meyer says the James Webb is bigger, more maneuverable and more powerful than the Hubble telescope, and it can detect infrared light emitted by stars formed shortly after (relatively speaking) the Big Bang.

But don’t expect to hear much about this in the Mainstream Media because the Webb telescope won’t do anything about the Omicron variant.

GOODER AND HARDER, CALIFORNIA: Life is Short, But Prop 65 Warnings May Not Be.

On January 8, 2021, the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) proposed changes to how businesses warn under Proposition 65. I wrote about it back in February 2021 and explained why the agency’s proposal to change short-form warnings would negatively impact businesses by way of increased costs and unnecessary liability and yet still fail to address the Prop 65 overwarning problem – something the agency intended to fix with the rulemaking.

CalChamber and the Consumer Brands Association (CBA) led an industry coalition of 119 organizations pushing back against the proposed changes, arguing the rulemaking should be rescinded because the proposal was flawed, relied on faulty data, was contrary to regulatory assurances made by OEHHA to all stakeholders when first overhauling Article 6 warning provisions in 2018 and failed to achieve OEHHA’s stated of addressing Prop 65 overwarning.

After almost one year since the rulemaking began, OEHHA recently noticed its plan to move forward – but with some notable modifications that appear to have been made in direct response to CalChamber and CBA industry coalition comments.

Short-Form Size Limitation Increases From 5 Square Inches to 12 Square Inches

The coalition argued that the agency does not explain nor provide evidence to justify why a 5-square inches or less requirement is the appropriate cutoff. CalChamber and the coalition articulated that such a policy change deviated from OEHHA’s own most recent guidance telling businesses that Article 6 had “no size limitations for which products could utilize short-form warnings.” The regulated community relied on these express statements when spending significant time and resources overhauling their Prop 65 compliance programs.

Under the modified approach, OEHHA proposes to increase the maximum label size for short-form warnings from 5 square inches to 12 square inches, explaining that “after considering these comments, OEHHA determined a 12 square inch limit would accommodate [–] concerns, while still limiting use of the short-form warnings to packages with limited available label space for consumer product information that would not easily accommodate the full warning.”

Flashback to Reason magazine in 1987: “Proposition 65 is a lawyers’ welfare act. I don’t think it will have any effect on public health.”

POLL: Who speaks for you? Trump 44%, Biden 31%.

To be fair, His Fraudulency doesn’t even speak for himself, he just reads whatever is put on the prompter. End of message.


I have long suspected that Manchin will stick with his party, especially if he has no plans to run for political office after his Senate term ends in early 2025, when he’ll be 77 years old. But with national polls indicating a Republican sweep in the offing in the November 2022 congressional midterm elections, does Manchin want to be ensconced in the minority party to complete his term of office?

All these calculations, and more, are probably swirling in Manchin’s head. He was never a fan of Donald Trump, but he’s no longer president now, and it’s Manchin’s party making his life miserable.

The Senate’s party conferences meet at least once a week while they’re in session. It’s not hard to imagine at which conference Manchin would be more welcome. For once, the switch to at least a GOP-caucusing independent looks increasingly likely. The stage is almost set for him to cross the aisle. He should.

Make it so.

YES, THEY ARE LISTENING: Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) was speaking at the Turning Point USA’s AmericaFest in Arizona when suddenly, none other than Siri interrupted, reports Jeff Dunetz on The Lid. Cruz just happened to be speaking about the need to force Big Tech out of the censorship business.

DISPATCHES FROM THE INTERSECTION OF THE CORBYNIZATION OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY AND THE K-12 IMPLOSION: DC Librarian Who Made Children Reenact Holocaust Is Failed Dem Candidate, Convicted Fraudster, and Animal Abuser. Kimberlynn Jurkowski defrauded New Jersey of $24k, abused dogs.

The principal of Watkins Elementary School, Scott Berkowitz, did not return a request for comment on Jurkowski. D.C. Public Schools did not respond to multiple requests for comment, including about whether it was familiar with Jurkowski’s criminal record prior to hiring her.

Since working in D.C. Public Schools, Jurkowski has struck an ultra-partisan combative tone online. Her Twitter account is filled with retweets of calls to abolish the police and defend Palestinian terrorism. One Al Jazeera post she shared claims that a Palestinian terrorist named Ahmad Erekat was killed by Israeli police but fails to mention that he was shot after ramming his car into Israelis.

Watkins Elementary School is located just outside a city ward represented by a Democratic lawmaker who claimed that Jews control the weather.

We need a complete and total shutdown of DC until we can figure out just what the hell is going on there.

ED MORRISSEY: Dems about to play hardball with Manchin … and vice versa?

Excuse me? “Absolutely no pressure”? Not only has Manchin been under constant pressure from progressives in both the House and Senate, he’s been the target of so much abuse from them and their allies that at one point they finally realized it wasn’t doing them any good. That was after House Democrat Cori Bush attacked Manchin for being “racist” over his opposition to BBB.

Manchin wasn’t the only senator targeted over BBB. Kyrsten Sinema got repeatedly harassed in public by activists, including in public restrooms. It got so bad for both Senate Democrats that the White House’s blame-shifting last week to Manchin finally pushed him over the edge in part because Manchin knew that would set off another round of harassment.

Build Back Better is so popular that Democrats can’t even get it through their own Senate caucus.

But the party leadership’s sense of entitlement is so overweening that they can’t tell — or at least won’t admit — that their own lack of political skill is the reason why.

THE YEAR OF LIVING TRUNALIMUNUMAPRZURELY. John Podhoretz: Biden vowed a return to normalcy — instead, we got a year of chaos.

Imagine President Joe Biden opening up the doors on his advent calendar on these final days before Christmas.

On the 21st, the doors reveal: a graph depicting the decline in Biden’s approval ratings from 55 percent in January to 44 percent today,

On the 22nd: a photograph of a helicopter hovering over the US embassy in Kabul as Afghanistan falls to the Taliban in August.

On the 23rd: another graph, this time of the inflation rate, rising from 1.4 percent on Election Day to 6.8 percent in November.

And finally, on December 24th: Sen. Joe Manchin, the man who finally performed a mercy killing on the doomed Build Back Better bill, dressed as Santa, waving at him in one of those weird plastic-rubber 3D picture cards that were popular 50 years ago.

I’m not saying Joe Biden is his own worst enemy. It’s more like he’s his own worst best friend, a man who gives himself absolutely terrible advice and is deeply grateful to himself both for offering and listening to such sage counsel.

Never has a politician snatched defeat from the jaws of victory in quite the manner Biden has.

Exit question: