Archive for 2020

NEWS YOU CAN USE: The Gospel According to Peter Thiel. Wherever there’s a major shift in the American landscape, one can usually find Silicon Valley’s iconoclastic investor.

HOT:  The California legislature’s effort to repeal Proposition 209 continues apace.  Despite my written testimony before the Assembly Appropriations Committee showing that, over time, Prop 209 has saved the state at least a BILLION DOLLARS in public contracting costs, the Appropriation Committee reported the bill out Wednesday afternnoon.  (Testimony before that committee is limited to a bill’s fiscal impact.)  The issue now goes to the full Assembly.

Also reported out was a bill to study slave reparations.  (Note that California was never a slave state.)

KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEF: Who In the Heck Even Voted for Bill de Blasio? “When Mayor Moron was first elected almost everyone I know who is well-versed in New York City politics was convinced that he would be a one-term wonder. As he went about dismantling twenty years of progress in the city it seemed almost certain that he would be shown the door, Apparently, every one in New York was drunk in 2017, and de Blasio was given another shot at screwing everything up.”

Give de Blasio this much credit: He certainly didn’t waste the opportunity he was given.

BAY AREA PROTESTS UPDATES: SF mayor announces effort to redirect police funds to black community.

“Decades of disinvestment and racially disparate policies have disproportionately hurt our African-American community in SF,” Breed wrote on Twitter in announcing the joint effort with Supervisor Shamann Walton. “This week has highlighted the devastating impacts of police violence against African-Americans in this country.”

San Francisco’s last Republican mayor left office at the beginning of 1964.

DOMINIC GREEN: Life’s a riot with Meghan Markle. “Why send in the troops when you can send in the clowns?”

It’s a vintage performance: the dress-down ponytail and Diana-like white shirt, the Diana-like rolling of the spontaneously moistened eyes, the Diana-like repetition of the clichés of the day as if she is thinking of them for the first time, the long pauses where she is overwhelmed, speechless but still profoundly moved by her own compassion in a sensitivity that could only be called Diana-like, or Diana-lite.

It is impossible not to be impressed by the conviction with which the millionaire wife of a ginger prince faces the pervasive hierarchies of white supremacy. Only a racist cop would refuse to take a knee, and perhaps a Sussex Royal tea towel, when hearing Meghan’s tremulous account of witnessing the Rodney King riots as an 11-year-old. The bit where she quaveringly recalls seeing ‘men in the back of a van, just holding guns and rifles’ must have been especially upsetting for her.

Click on over because this is a joy to read.