Archive for 2020

THIS WOULD LITERALLY BE ILLEGAL: A petition demands that (the public) Florida International University “impose further disciplinary actions for use of racial slurs” on “three non-black FIU softball players using the n-word.” (They were singing along with a rap song.)  More than 750 signatures as of now. Maybe every single signer doesn’t know that this would be illegal. More likely, though, this is just cancel culture feeling its oats – who needs law when you have power? Plus a bonus implication that your rights are determined by your skin color.

CENSORING A PICTURE’S THOUSAND WORDS: Colleges are not dealing well with the fact that everyone has a camera and the ability to share photos. Especially when the photo involves a legal firearm, but that’s hardly the only time…

DAVID HARSANYI: Why Trump’s Mideast Peace Deals Matter.

Earlier this month, the Palestinians, who had held veto power over Arab foreign policy for years, demand nothing less than a full condemnation of the Israel-UAE normalization. The Arab League gave them nothing.

Instead, a couple of weeks later, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan of the United Arab Emirates, and Foreign Minister Abdullatif Al Zayani of Bahrain all came to Washington to sign the Abraham Accords, in which all three promised to “to take the necessary steps to prevent any terrorist or hostile activities against each other on or from their respective territories, as well as deny any support for such activities abroad or allowing such support on or from their respective territories.”

It takes only a rudimentary knowledge of modern Middle East history to comprehend the immense changes going on in the region — and yet this seems lost on many contemporary journalists.

It isn’t lost on them. It’s that our infotainment industry is dominated almost entirely by Democratic operatives with bylines who choose to bury anything good Trump has accomplished.

POSTMODERN MURDER: Patient dies after ransomware attack reroutes her to remote hospital. “German authorities are investigating the unknown perpetrators on suspicion of negligent manslaughter, the Associated Press, German news outlet NTV, and others reported on Thursday. The event under investigation occurred last Friday when the unidentified woman was turned away from Duesseldorf University Hospital because a ransomware attack hampered its ability to operate normally. The woman was rushed to a hospital about 20 miles away, resulting in about a one-hour delay in treatment. She died.”

HMM: When It Comes To Military Launches, SpaceX May No Longer Be The Low-Cost Provider.

Along the way to its breakthrough win with the Space Force on August 7, something curious happened in the way SpaceX priced its services. The price for using its Falcon Heavy vehicle more than doubled from what Musk originally claimed would be the maximum cost.

In 2018 he said the rocket would cost no more than $150 million to loft heavy payloads into orbit. But the award SpaceX received for a single mission in the first year of Phase Two was $316 million. That’s quite an increase.

In fact, it’s such a hefty price-tag that SpaceX is getting almost as much money for a single Falcon Heavy mission as the $337 million ULA is getting for two missions. We don’t know details about the missions because they’re all secret, but industry insiders say that all three payloads are sizable, and headed for geosynchronous orbit.

It isn’t clear how this remarkable disparity in pricing came about. ULA bid a new launch vehicle called Vulcan Centaur that is said to be more efficient than its legacy Atlas and Delta rockets. SpaceX bid the same Falcon Heavy vehicle that in 2018 was priced at $130 million to loft another classified mission into orbit.

So how did the price-tag on a Falcon Heavy mission get from $130 million to $316 million? Darned if I know. I asked SpaceX for an explanation, but so far I haven’t heard back.

Very strange, all the way around.