Archive for 2020


Shot: Governor Cuomo pushes back at President Trump’s school opening tweets, saying it’s a state decision.

Governor Andrew Cuomo pushed back against President Donald Trump on Wednesday for pressing elected officials to open schools this fall arguing that the federal government does not have the authority to make such a decision.

On Tuesday, President Trump pushed state and city leaders to open schools for in-person classes this autumn stating that some schools were keeping their doors closed not because of the coronavirus but for political reasons.

“They think it’s going to be good for them politically, so they keep the schools closed,” said President Trump during a White House discussion on school plans for the fall, according to the Associated Press. “No way. We’re very much going to put pressure on governors and everybody else to open the schools.”

—AM New York, July 8th.

Chaser: Cuomo Clears All New York Schools to Reopen Next Month, Says It’s Ultimately Not Up to Him.

“Parents have to be included and believe the plan makes sense. Teachers have to be included and believe the plan makes sense. They are the ultimate determination,” Cuomo said this week. “If a teacher doesn’t show up, you can’t open the class. If a parent doesn’t send their child there’s no child to educate.”

—NBC4 New York, yesterday.

As Steven Crowder tweets, “Media insisted Trump was killing kids with talk of reopening schools. Now that Dems are actually doing it, watch the press suddenly do a 180!”

Speaking of 180s:

CLASS IN AMERICA: My Life Pouring Concrete. “This is how some men spend the majority of their lives. I say ‘men’ because, in my chosen subspecialty of concrete (whose ranks include those formally designated in the United States under the category of ‘cement masons, concrete finishers, and terrazzo workers’), the work force is 98.9 percent male.”

Plus: “In Orwell’s day, the privileged set had to get up close and personal to develop their disdain for the working class. These days, thanks to Twitter, they can do it without getting out of bed.”


At some point in the future people will look back at how the left made two contradictory arguments at the same time. When it comes to sexual identity, the word has gone forth to oppose “artificial” categories, “false binaries,” etc. People can define themselves sexually without any regard to medical science, never mind tradition or political or cultural orthodoxy. I’ve lost count of how many genders there are now. Just last week, CNN was so scared of using the word “women” it tweeted that “Individuals with a cervix are now recommended to start cervical cancers screening at 25 …”

Meanwhile, when it comes to race, it’s all about new artificial categories and enforced binaries. White people who pretend they’re black are committing theft. Heck, white people who cook non-white food or pay homage to non-white art forms are committing theft. Cultural appropriation is evil. But gender appropriation is something to be celebrated. Biological males can collect all the women’s track and field awards and that’s fine. But don’t you dare wear dreadlocks if you’re not black?

That’s just weird. But these are weird times.

Read the whole thing.


YES. NEXT QUESTION? Has the pushback against Democrat overreach begun? “One of the things that struck me today was how many stories involved people pushing back. They’re pushing back against the Black Lives Matter narrative, they’re pushing back against cancel culture, and they’re pushing back against the Wuhan virus lockdown. In other words, after being beaten around the head for a few months, Americans are beginning to remember that they’re a free people in a constitutionally run nation. They’re finally getting mad as hell, and they’re not going to take it anymore.”