Archive for 2020


So, just like 2016, then.

RICK TUMLINSON ASKS, how long before the commies go after the NewSpace phenomenon?

I think the billionaires involved expect this. Jeff Bezos has tried to protect himself by assuming lefty coloration. Elon Musk has chosen bravado and rapid movement. The Google folks have just buried their space stuff in a confusing jumble of projects.

WHEN THE LEFTY WASHINGTON MONTHLY IS SAYING THIS . . . Why Trump Has a Serious Chance of Winning. Really. “First, the president is actually more popular now than on the day he was elected. Yes, that’s right. His personal favorability rating around election day in 2016 was 37.5%. Now, it is 43.2%. There are, in fact, hundreds of thousands of Americans (if not millions) who have grown fonder of Trump.”

Related: Feeling pushed towards Trump. “The reason I am feeling pushed towards Trump, and at such a late date, and despite my strong inclinations otherwise, is that I no longer feel this is a Kang v. Kodos scenario. From the right, I continue to see the usual callous indifference to the lives of ordinary people, but it’s just indifference. The message I am getting from the left is that I am a target they mean to destroy. I’m not real comfortable with that.”

MEMORIES TAKE UP RESOURCES, AND MOST MEMORIES LACK SURVIVAL VALUE: To Remember, the Brain Must Actively Forget: Researchers find evidence that neural systems actively remove memories, which suggests that forgetting may be the default mode of the brain. Which raises the question of why I can remember cigarette jingles from when I was 5 years old.

Actually, I have a theory on that. For the vast majority of evolutionary history, people were preliterate, and songs were the chief means of longterm information transmission. (Rhyme and meter, etc. even serve as primitive error-checking mechanisms.) So being able to remember the songs that told you where to find famine foods, etc., had definite survival value.


CHAMPAGNE FOR BREAKFAST, AND A SHERMAN IN MY HAND: Nat Sherman International Closed. Manhattan Townhouse and wholesale cigar operations shuttered by end of September, ending 90-year history in New York City. “‘We worked hard to successfully transition Nat Sherman International to a new home. The Covid-19 pandemic created new challenges that were unfortunately too big to overcome,’ said Jessica Pierucki, general manager, managing director for Nat Sherman.”

NEWS YOU CAN USE: The Importance of Readiness for Self Defense. “I was involved in two shootings. In the first, I killed the man. In the second, I got shot down. Both of them were a total surprise.”