Archive for 2020

TODAY IS INSTAPUNDIT’S 19TH BLOGGIVERSARY. Celebrate as seems appropriate.


I HAVE A PIECE ON LIBEL REFORM COMING OUT IN THE TENNESSEE LAW REVIEW THAT I THINK IS PRETTY INTERESTING. You can download it here. It was inspired by Clarence Thomas in the McKee v. Cosby case, and I expect the Supreme Court to revisit New York Times v. Sullivan in the not too distant future.

Download it early and often!

UPDATE: Is this some sort of academic coup-counting, people ask. Yes. I need about 300 more downloads to get me into the top 10 list on SSRN.

TRUMP ORDERS $400-PER-WEEK UNEMPLOYMENT PAYMENTS AMID COVID CRISIS, HITS DEMS FOR STONEWALLING: “Acting unilaterally has its limits and could prompt legal challenges. Trump’s orders are narrower in scope than the trillions Congress is mulling for a massive stimulus to the virus-damaged economy. Congress controls new federal spending. Trump already predicted sidestepping lawmakers will have lawsuit consequences but dared opponents to deprive Americans of relief. ‘If we get sued, it’s [from] somebody that doesn’t want people to get money,’ Trump said. ‘And that’s not going to be a very popular thing.’”


This week Governor Andrew Cuomo begged New York City residents to return to the city in the most shameless act of wheedling by a New Yorker since Mars famously importuned Nola, in Spike Lee’s She’s Gotta Have It, “Please baby, please baby, please baby, baby, baby please.” Used to live in NYC but have lately found the suburbs, or points south, more congenial? Andrew Cuomo will cook you dinner if you come back.

“I literally talk to people all day long who are now in their Hamptons house who also lived here, or in their Hudson Valley house, or in their Connecticut weekend house and I say, ‘You got to come back!’” Cuomo said Monday. “‘We’ll go to dinner! I’ll buy you a drink! Come over, I’ll cook!’”

“I’ll buy you a drink” is the cringiest of those promises since Cuomo has been closing dozens of bars for not complying with his arbitrary virus-related diktats, which include requiring tipplers to order food in accordance with some known-only-to-him provision of the coronavirus that confers immunity via purchase of a Caesar salad. But he’s probably right about one thing: All of the people who are eager to move back to New York City could indeed probably fit in his dining room right now. It has finally occurred to Andrew Cuomo that the months-long electronic tongue-bath he received from media outlets such as CNN, which in the midst of the carnage pushed forward his own brother to serve as his interlocutor/publicist/comedy sidekick, has not fooled New Yorkers of means. Scads of the wealthiest have fled, and they are in no rush to return.

As Glenn wrote last month, “It’s fine for you folks to flee, but don’t vote for the same bunch of anti-American commies who ruined New York. It’s really time for my Welcome Wagon project.

TROLL LEVEL: POTUS DJT. Trump defends gathering at Bedminster golf club as ‘peaceful protest.’

President Trump defended a gathering of members of his Bedminster, New Jersey, golf club as a “peaceful protest” against the media.

“To me they pretty much look like they all have, pretty much all have masks on,” Trump said, who said the Friday gathering was not in violation of Garden State social distancing regulations.

“You know you have an exclusion in the law. It says peaceful protest or political activity, right?” he added.

“I call it peaceful protest because they heard you were coming up and they know the news is fake, they know it better than anybody,” Trump continued.

As Andrea Widburg writes at the American Thinker, “Whether he’s studied them or not, President Trump is a master at cutting leftists down using the Rules for Radicals that Saul Alinsky drafted to help further a leftist agenda. At a press conference at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey, Trump showed his mastery of Rule 4 (‘Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules’), Rule 5 (‘Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon’), and Rule 6 (‘A good tactic is one your people enjoy’).”