Archive for 2020

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY: Second City Theater CEO Denounces Self, Steps Down.

Andrew Alexander, the CEO and co-owner of famed The Second City improv theater, said he is stepping down after a former performer leveled accusations of racism against the comedy institution.

In a lengthy letter posted on the company’s website, Alexander said he “failed to create an anti-racist environment wherein artists of color might thrive. I am so deeply and inexpressibly sorry,”

He vowed Friday that he will be replaced by a person of color.

Might as well quit. Humor is no longer allowed anyway.


Meanwhile, if we have a huge spike in cases because of these protests, will they say, “Well, it was worth it to end racism”? Maybe, except they won’t have ended racism. Sure, some will plausibly argue that any COVID-19 comeback was the result of evil Republicans reopening the churches and the barber shops. But that will be dismissed for the partisan hogwash and special pleading it will be.

And, if we don’t see a huge spike in COVID-19 cases after all of this, no one will believe the experts when we head into the fall (when it’s supposed to come back) and they say now we really mean it. So we’ll still have an intolerable amount of racism—at least according to the people who say we have an intolerable amount of racism today—and we’ll have another economy-crushing outbreak on our hands.

And, if—God willing—it doesn’t come back strong in the fall, well, no one will ever take these people seriously again, and for understandable reasons.

Read the whole thing. The past week and a half of “Oceania has never been in favor of lockdowns” by a medical profession that’s dynamiting its credibility to help fuel the revolution (or at the very least, protest the Bad Orange Man) has been astonishing to watch.


“Many people–out of a respect for social distancing–missed a parent’s dying hours,” author J.D. Vance wrote. “If you think experiencing that–while watching mass gatherings praised by the same scolds who prevented you from seeing family–doesn’t erode trust in authorities, you’re actually an idiot.”



There needs to be an accounting.

OPEN THREAD: We are here to save the Erf. E – R – F.

LEFTIST LOSES STRUGGLE SESSION: Watch as Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey is booed out of a protest for refusing calls to defund the police.

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey would have been roasted if he hadn’t appeared at his city’s protest Saturday for George Fry, but showing up didn’t do him much good either, and he literally walked away with his head bowed in shame, reportedly after refusing demands to defund the Minneapolis Police Department.

Here’s the set-up (language warning):

And here’s Frey’s walk of shame:

Exit quote from the above link at Twitchy: “He will win re-election because as much as everyone in that crowd dislikes him, they will dislike the Republican candidate even more. Thus, nothing will change.”

Minneapolis’ last Republican mayor served for day on December 31st, 1973.

QUESTION ASKED: What if D-Day Had Failed?

Related: “On June 6, 1944, James M. Doohan, a Canadian, led D Company of Royal Winnipeg Rifles ashore at Juno. He took out a sniper’s nest, lost middle finger of his right hand to a bullet. He said he ‘gave Hitler the finger.’ You know him as Scotty on Star Trek.”