PUNCH BACK TWICE AS HARD: Republicans Sue to Stop Newsom’s ‘Brazen Power Grab’ Over California Elections.
Archive for 2020
May 25, 2020
A PROPER MEMORIAL DAY: The Tradition Goes On. Despite the lockdown, a Pennsylvania city’s Memorial Day rituals endure thanks to volunteers who decorated 1,500 graves.
DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION: University blesses referendum to revoke recognition from pro-life club for its views.
DAVID BARON, CALL YOUR OFFICE: Black bear spotted near Downtown Knoxville. “This comes a few days after Knoxville Police said a bear sighting was confirmed in Fountain City.”
They feel safe coming into town around people because nobody shoots them when they do.
HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: Harvard sued over ‘subpar’ online learning amid pandemic. “The university’s handling of the pandemic has not satisfied students on an academic or financial level.”
KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEF: Coronapocalypse Memorial Day Edition. “This is the first Memorial Day that I’ve been in charge of the Morning Briefing and I would like to begin by honoring those American service men and women I never who have sacrificed their lives so that people like me can be free to shoot my mouth off for a living. There never really seems to be any adequate way to say or do that but I keep trying every year on Memorial Day. God bless all of them and the loved ones they left behind.”
HONG KONG: A reader sends this photo, observing: “There were protests like this all over Hong Kong yesterday. As you can see, this was a peaceful gathering until the police started using gas and [pepper] spray.”
HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: “Universities with large student populations and capacious class enrollments are essentially cruise ships on steroids.”
Meh. If you believe the CDC’s newest infection fatality rate estimate, we’re looking at something moderately worse than a bad seasonal flu. Of course, I wish I had more confidence in the CDC.
WELL, STACEY ABRAMS IT IS, I GUESS! Charlamagne tha God: Klobuchar V.P. Pick Would Cause ‘Voter Depression.’
AT AMAZON, Face Mask, Pack of 50.
SETH BARRETT TILLMAN: Judge Sullivan: What The Media Will Not Ask.