Archive for 2020

LET’S HOPE THIS IS CORRECT: Why Democrats won’t ditch the filibuster. The filibuster gives personal power to senators of both parties, and they won’t give that up to please progressives.

#FIGHTFORFIFTEEN: Autonomous Indoor Serving Robots Set To Invade Restaurants Near You. “The inevitable automation of the food industry will displace millions of minimum-wage jobs. The question everyone needs to be asking, what will elites do with these unskilled workers. Keep giving them Trump stimulus checks, retool their skills, or send them off to war?”

ANALYSIS: TRUE. ‘The Melania Tapes’ reveal she’s even cooler than we thought.

Wolkoff and CNN made a major miscalculation. They thought that exposing Melania’s intimate conversations would turn Wolkoff into a folk hero. Instead, it revealed her to be a horrible friend who was willing to abuse Melania’s trust in order to sell books. None of us would want to be held accountable for the things we think or say in our most private moments, but if the worst Melania says behind closed doors is that she gets annoyed with Christmas decorations and can’t stand the media, she sure is a hell of a lot like us.

Heh, indeed. Read the whole thing.™