Archive for 2020

LEGAL EDUCATION UPDATE: The Changing Law School Curriculum: More Courses, Less Rigor? “He found some new courses that left him confounded. He wrote that they ‘defy my attempts to rationalize their existence, either because of my ignorance of their content or suspicions about their usefulness in the practice of the profession. In some cases, they appear to represent approaches that are more political and polemic than legal.’ Such courses include animal law and feminist legal theory, he wrote. That did [not] sit well with professors who teach feminist legal theory.”

In other news, critiques of phlogiston chemistry did not sit well with professors who taught phlogiston chemistry. And it’s absurd to suggest that “critical theory” courses teach students to think critically. It’s rather the opposite, usually. Likewise, there’s no reason to believe that feminist legal theory does anything to promote a “just society.”


“[V]ia the comments: Joan asks, drily, ‘Is it performance art?’  Well, in a manner of speaking, I suppose it is. It’s all rather performative and narcissistic, and the theatrical breathlessness is presumably for the benefit of a like-minded audience – one that won’t find such behaviour strange or unflattering. I mean, if you were actually having some kind of meltdown, an unpremeditated psychological crisis, would your first thought be to film yourself in order to share the screeching with your equally woke peers, and thereby accrue status?”

ANDREW MCCARTHY: Systemic Racism? Make Them Prove It.

Racism “happens in our residence halls and in our classrooms, at the tables of our dining halls and in our locker rooms, on our sidewalks, within the offices where we work, and in our town.” So maintains Middlebury College president Laurie Patton. Among the doyens of higher education, Patton is the rule, not the exception, in spreading this gospel across the campus. With characteristic clarity, Heather Mac Donald rolled off example after example in a recent City Journal essay. It is not just the administrators, the battalions of diversity coordinators, and the social scientists. According to academics, “structural racism” even “pervades” mathematics, geology, astronomy, you name it — to the point, Mac Donald observes, that the journal Nature claims “the mission of science should be to ‘amplify marginalized voices’ in atonement for science’s complicity in ‘systemic racism.’”

Okay, if they say so . . . but where are the concrete examples?

Mac Donald discerns that the rote self-abasement of academic institutions is detached from lived life. She pointedly asks the questions we should all be asking: What are the specifics of the indictment: “Which faculty members do not treat black students fairly? If that unjust treatment is so obvious, why weren’t those professors already removed?” How have we tolerated an admissions process that apparently lets in thousands of student bigots? Of course, regardless of what they may say, college administrators do not act as if they’re trapped in a racist dystopia. As Mac Donald observes, there is no better proof of this than these same administrators: when not preening about systemic racism, they are gushing about the sensitivity, accomplishments, and integrity of their faculty, students, and alumni.

Earlier: Betsy DeVos Calls Princeton’s Bluff: If You Really Are Racist, No More Federal Funding.

NEW SOCIALIST “IT GIRL” CONTINUES TO PAY DIVIDENDS: ‘Ocasio-Cortez says Ginsburg’s death should ‘radicalize’ Democrats: ‘We can, and must, fight.’

Her former chief of staff, and the author of the Green Nude Eel was photographed wearing a shirt emblazoned with the image of Hitler-supporting Indian activist Subhas Chandra Bose. Over the past summer, her party’s most fervent devotees committed over two billion dollars worth of property damage. How much more radically radical radicalizing doe she expect from her shock troops in the coming weeks?

JOHN NOLTE: Passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg Permanently Resets 2020 Election.

I’m not sure what to chew on. Fingernails are down to the white meat.

There’s a bit of justice in all this. Reason Trump has a pretty good chance of replacing Ginsburg is because the Republicans expanded their majority in 2018. Reason Republicans expanded their majority in 2018 was because of the abysmal and obscene behavior of Democrats and the media during the Kavanaugh confirmation. Funny how that works.

Regardless of the outcome, what we have on our hands right now is a total 2020 game changer and one that is almost certainly going to benefit Trump. This isn’t me celebrating the death of a fellow human being. There was a lot to admire about Justice Ginsburg. But this is what it is, and what it is is a legitimate and breathtaking last-minute game changer.

The national media and Biden had planned to make 2020 a referendum on Trump’s handling of the coronavirus epidemic. Come hell or high water, they were not going to allow the subject to be changed from that. And it was a good plan. Kept Biden on offense, kept Trump on defense, and that’s how you win presidential elections in this country.

Well, the unfortunate passing of Ginsburg throws all that right over the side.

Whether, in the end, McConnell can or cannot cobble the votes together doesn’t matter. The news cycle is about to be swamped by this confirmation battle, which puts Trump on offense and Biden on defense.

Read the whole thing.

Related Twitter thread: “Since the masks are off, let me take off mine. I am, underneath it all, an utterly cold blooded pragmatist. I loathe to my DNA that SCOTUS is now most powerful. But it is. That’s not changing. And thus I want that power to be on my side as much as possible. If that means ramming a vote through as hard and fast as possible, so be it. So be it. I screamed my throat raw and typed my fingers bloody for decades telling everyone not to get to this point. I lost that argument. I lost that argument entirely. Will to power it is then.”

The bill has come due for the last four years of insanity by the left — the Kavanaugh freakouts, the endless impeachment hearings, billions of dollars of property damage, etc., etc.