Archive for 2020

IT COMES AND IT GOES: Good Covid-19 News From Italy…and Sweden.. “While Italy’s lockdown arguably saved lives, it came late. Sweden’s, meanwhile, never came at all. On a per-capita basis, Italy’s death toll of more than 35,154 comes to about 600 per 1 million people, as does Sweden’s 5,743. Still, in the current post-peak phase, with Italy gradually reopening its economy and Sweden maintaining its policy, both countries seem to have found their stride in living with the virus.”

WHY IS THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY SUCH A CESSPIT OF MISOGYNY? Michigan Democratic rising star Rep. Jon Hoadley blogged about drug use and sex.

An up-and-comer in the party, Hoadley has also been endorsed by vice presidential hopeful Sen. Kamala Harris, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and firebrand “Squad” member Rep. Rashida Tlaib.

But before he was elected to state politics in 2014, the ambitious Democrat ran a LiveJournal blog where he discussed learning about crystal meth, described his sexual partners as “victims” and published a conversation which included a reference to 4-year-old girls wearing thongs.

In a post from May 2005, the state representative discussed going to a gay bar to “learn about crystal meth” and in a post several weeks later described his sexual partners as “victims.”

In a subsequent entry, Hoadley referred to women as “breeders” — a derogatory term used to refer to straight people or people who can have children — and called them “weird/bad dancers.”

“Was that wrong? Should I not have done that?”

OUTKICK: Leaked Video Exposes George Floyd’s Death As Tragedy And Race Hoax Used To Divide Us.

Will anyone locked inside the NBA’s groupthink bubble react to the leaked bodycam footage of George Floyd’s arrest and tragic death?

The Daily Mail, a London-based newspaper, published the bodycam videos of two of the four former Minneapolis police officers charged with crimes in Floyd’s death.

The videos show police verbally and physically struggling to get Floyd to comply. Floyd appears panicked, disoriented, desperate and totally non-compliant. He complains that he can’t breathe while standing on two feet. He claims his mother just died and that he can’t sit in the back of the police car because he’s claustrophobic. He repeatedly begs the officers not to shoot him. He worms the upper part of his body out of the police car and asks to lay on the ground.

Early on during the encounter, long before the police restrain Floyd on his stomach, a female bystander shouts at Floyd to quit “resisting” and a male bystander pleads with Floyd that he can’t “win.”

At the beginning of the video, when Floyd is behind the wheel of the car he was driving, an officer draws and points his gun when Floyd initially refuses to show both of his hands. When Floyd complies, the officer holsters his weapon.

The behavior of the police officers seems appropriate and restrained given Floyd’s level of resistance and bizarre conduct. The footage reasonably explains how and why Floyd wound up on the ground with multiple officers restraining him.

Weird, I haven’t heard much about this from the NBA.

DISPATCHES FROM THE MANCHURIAN MEDIA: NYT Quietly Scrubs Chinese Propaganda. US newspapers collected millions from Beijing to publish propaganda.

Related: Washington Post bashed as ‘morally bankrupt’ for glowing feature on Chinese Communist Party. “The piece, headlined ‘Trump views China’s Communist Party as a threat. Young Chinese see it as a ticket to a better future,’ and written by Beijing bureau chief Anna Fifield, was accused of reading like a ‘press release‘ by Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas.”