Archive for 2020

TO BE FAIR, THEY’RE USED TO THAT AT THE HOUSE OF STEPHANOPOULOS: ABC News reporter appears on Good Morning America without pants. “It wasn’t immediately apparent that Reeve, who was clad in a blazer and button-down shirt while broadcasting from his home, wasn’t wearing pants. Yet towards the end of his segment about pharmacies using drones to deliver prescriptions to patients, Reeve shifted his bare leg into camera-view. Viewers flooded social media with messages to Reeve, the son of late actor Christopher Reeve, with many commenting about how relatable his faux pas was. ‘I have ARRIVED,’ Reeve tweeted. ‘In the most hilariously mortifying way possible.’”

I’M SORRY, BUT THE FDA DOESN’T HAVE THE POWER TO REGULATE BACKPACKS, just because they have a “stealth pocket” to hold E-cigarettes and might be used by teens. This is absurd overreach.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY, PART DEUX: Taylor Swift Hits Soros Family for ‘Shameless Greed.’ “Swift endorsed Brett Kavanaugh backer Phil Bredesen (D.) in his 2018 Tennessee Senate contest against Republican Marsha Blackburn. Blackburn won the contest by nearly 11 points. Swift has since become more vocal about her support for Democrats—unless they are interfering with her music career.”

Robert Conquest’s First Law of Politics: Everyone is conservative about what he [or she] knows best.

ANNALS OF LEFTIST AUTOPHAGY, PART I: Green Brownshirts Strike at Michael Moore.

UPDATE: Michael Moore’s Planet Of The Humans: This Is Not The Movie Review You Were Looking For.

On one level, the movie tries to be a hard-hitting exposé of the movers and shakers in the ‘green energy’ space, and it sort-of succeeds at that. I think viewers whose knowledge of ‘green’ energy begins and ends with proclamations from MSNBC and Greta Thunberg will be genuinely shocked by the revelations in this film. On the other hand, those of us who live in the real world and disbelieve media propaganda will probably find far less here that we didn’t already know. But even so: the skewering that several well-known ‘green’ energy promoters receive in PotH is long overdue. Al Gore is a frequent target of Moore’s (and of Jeff Gibbs, the film’s writer and director; Moore was the executive producer), portraying Gore as cloaking himself in a robe of environmentalism but really being in the game for the money.

Flashback: Al Gore Declares Mission Accomplished.

I WONDER IF THIS IS WHAT TYSON WAS AFTER WITH THAT AD: Trump to Order U.S. Meat Plants to Stay Open Amid Pandemic. “President Donald Trump plans to order meat-processing plants to remain open as the nation confronts growing food-supply disruptions from the coronavirus outbreak, a person familiar with the matter said. Trump plans to use the Defense Production Act to order the companies to stay open as critical infrastructure, and the government will provide additional protective gear for employees as well as guidance, according to the person.”

SEN. BEN SASSE IS ABOUT TO GET INTO A BIG FIGHT: With the trial lawyers, that is. Sasse wants to protect health care providers treating coronavirus patients. The Democrats’ second biggest source of campaign support sees those patients differently.

THE PHOTO ALONE IS PRICELESS: Issues & Insights assesses Tara Reade’s accusation that former Vice President Joe Biden, during his days in the U.S. Senate, sexually assaulted her in the early 199os.



Don’t want people to think of you as garbage? Try not being garbage.