Archive for 2020


Minnesota’s Governor Tim Walz is utterly incompetent. For the details, read the just-released issue of Thinking Minnesota, which drives political debate in my state. During the days of rioting, looting and arson in Minneapolis that followed the death of George Floyd, it became obvious that the situation was a disaster. Walz tried to distance himself from the debacle by saying in a press conference that fellow Democrat Jacob Frey, the Boy Mayor of Minneapolis, had been an “abject failure,” but Walz was now taking over and things would get better. Rarely has a politician been so definitively thrown under the bus.

Walz’s denunciation came as a shock to Mayor Frey, whose political career is presumed to be over. But Frey has finally counter-attacked, and in a man-bites-dog moment, the Star Tribune is willing to criticize a Democratic Governor of Minnesota. I am not sure this has ever happened before.

It’s quite a beat down on Walz, so read the whole thing.

VODKAPUNDIT PRESENTS YOUR DAILY INSANITY WRAP: ‘Kindergarten Cop’ Triggers Cancel Culture Police.

Insanity Wrap believes that cancel queen Lois “Karen” Leveen has never actually seen Kindergarten Cop because there’s no way she could have let slide the movie’s second-funniest line.

”Boys have a penis, and girls have a vagina.”

Her head would have literally figuratively exploded.

Plus so much more at the link, you’d have to be crazy to miss it.

MAO-MAO’ED: I have a column up at Townhall on socialism and the current cultural revolution. It echoes many of the points I make in my new book, The Socialist Temptation. I’ll also be appearing on a CEI webinar at noon Eastern tomorrow talking about the book with Kevin Williamson. You can sign up for that here if you’d like.

WHEN BASEBALL KNEW BETTER: Powerline’s John Hinderaker shares a letter from former Minnesota Twins’ owner Clark Griffith.

SKYNET SMILES: Russia to Hold Firing Tests of Its Combat Robot. “To date, the shooting tests of the Marker robotic combat platform have shown that it can strike targets quicker and more accurately than professional shooters, while the combat robot is also capable of distinguishing between civilians and military personnel. It has been ‘trained’ to determine the difference between unarmed targets and those that pose an active threat and to only fire at the latter.”

MEET THE NEW OLD OBAMA: Remember the “New Nixon” back in 1968? No? Well then how about the “New Old Obama” described by Victor Davis Hanson in 2020?

KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEF: Which Biden VP Option Would Be Less of a Train Wreck? “Let’s be honest, it’s been heading towards ‘train wreck’ ever since Biden committed to picking a female running mate. He’s now all but obligated himself to picking a woman of color, which probably has all of the ulcers on his campaign staff bleeding double.”

TRIDENT STORM: U.S. Marine and Navy helicopters participate in Exercise Trident Storm. Photo taken July 30, 2020, off San Clemente Island, Calif.

FROM DESERT SHIELD TO DESERT STORM: Assessing Desert Shield’s Power Cocktail 30 Years On. On August 2, 1990 Saddam invaded Kuwait. Desert Shield officially began August 9, but the military, diplomatic and economic response began immediately.

…Saddam wanted more than money; he sought global glory. A speech he delivered in Amman, Jordan, in February 1990 sketched his plan. After discussing the “Palestinian cause,” Western Europe’s decline and the Cold War, “suddenly, the situation,” Saddam said, “changed in a dramatic way.” The Cold War ended. America was “fatigued” and would fade, but “throughout the next five years,” the U.S. would be unrestricted. He implied that defeating the U.S. entailed scraping the scar of Vietnam and threatening massive U.S. casualties. “Fatigue” and domestic self-recrimination would stall U.S. power. A crucial line stands out: “The big,” Saddam said, “does not become big, nor does the great earn such a description unless he is in the arena of comparison or fighting with someone else on a different level.” (Translation: If a minor leaguer wants to move up, he takes on the majors.)

Read the whole thing — my latest Creators Syndicate column.