Archive for 2020


(Bumped by Glenn, because it’s true.)

SEN. TOM COTTON: Huawei 5G is like Soviets building west’s submarines.

Deploying Huawei, the politician continued, “would be as if we had relied on adversarial nations in the cold war to build our submarines, or to build our tanks. It’s just not something that we would have ever considered.”

The senator was speaking before a defence subcommittee inquiring into UK proposals to allow Huawei to deploy up to 35% of 5G equipment, which has come under heavy criticism from the White House and the Conservative right.

Ten days ago, an increasingly nervous Downing Street said it was reviewing a plan put forward by Boris Johnson as recently as January and indicated that it could be prepared to eliminate Huawei involvement entirely by 2023.

Cotton said that he would welcome the UK removing Huawei “even earlier” and argued that the Chinese company’s kit could be targeted by People’s Liberation Army hackers to track the movement of key parts of US F35 fighter aircraft if it were compromised.

The senator has recently submitted an amendment to the US 2021 National Defense Authorization Act that would block the deployment of US air force F35s in countries where Huawei equipment is used, and told the committee “we believe our airmen could be at risk”.

Huawei is a communist front corporation built atop the bones of Nortel, after picking them clean.

DE BLASIO’S NEW YORK: Worse than war: My night besieged by looters and thugs in NYC.

Related: Cuomo and de Blasio are refusing to face what rioting means for New York. “The thing with anarchists, with rioters and with looters is that if you give them an inch, they’ll take your city’s soul. And it has been the policy of New York City for several nights now to give them as many inches as they demand. . . . Let’s be frank: The notion that the actions of four cops in Minnesota on Memorial Day in any way justifies the continued fracturing of New York City’s social order 10 days later is nonsense on its face. And the willingness of Mayor de Blasio and Gov. Cuomo to tolerate what has been happening in New York since last Friday — violence is rampant upstate as well — is scandalous beyond words. For the two of them, it’s always been better to do nothing than to alienate an interest group — but effectively accelerating municipal mayhem through studied inaction is something altogether new.”

Between pandemics and unfettered violence, America’s big blue cities are undoing three decades of image rehabilitation in just a few weeks.

LET THAT BE YOUR LAST TIK-TOK VIDEO: Teen’s half-‘blackface’ makeup tutorial on TikTok sparks outrage.

The since-deleted clip, which has more than 1.1 million views since it was reposted on Twitter, shows the Austrian teen applying dark-colored makeup to half her face and neck with the two sides separated by a melting pattern. The tone-deaf tutorial is set to “This Is America” by Childish Gambino (a k a Donald Glover).

“This TikTok just ended racism,” tweets Siraj Hashmi of the Washington Examiner to his 54,700 followers. In a separate tweet, he adds: “I’ve seen a lot of performative virtue signaling done on social media in the last few days. This has to be, by far, one of the worst things I’ve seen.”

To boldly go where Frank Gorshin has gone before:


BIG MAJORITY SUPPORTS USING MILITARY AGAINST RIOTERS: Latest Morning Consult survey finds 58 percent of respondents support using the military to help law enforcement end rioting and looting sparked by Antifa and other anarchist groups in the wake of George Floyd’s horrendous May 25 murder.

JOEL KOTKIN: Class Politics, Covid, and Riots. “Remarkably, these mayors seem to be largely indifferent to the rise of largely white, anarchist groups, like Antifa, who can be seen in videos committing acts of vandalism and violence, even over the objections of African American protestors.”

If you’re actively supporting, or even just passively enabling, the people who are destroying black neighborhoods, businesses, and jobs, aren’t you supporting white supremacy?

PLAME OUT: “I’ve seen enough. Teresa Leger Fernandez (D) wins the #NM03 primary to succeed Rep. Ben Ray Lujan (D), defeating former CIA agent Valerie Plame,” Dave Wasserman of NBC tweets.

Flashback: ‘She Looks Astoundingly Good’ — WashPost Slobbers Over Valerie Plame for Congress, Ignores Anti-Semitism. “Guess what wasn’t in the puff piece? Any mention of Plame’s anti-Semitic tweet controversy. As Post editorialist Molly Roberts wrote in 2017: On the first full day of Rosh Hashanah, unmasked CIA officer Valerie Plame tweeted out an article entitled, ‘America’s Jews are driving America’s wars.’ As if the headline weren’t bad enough, the essay appeared on a website featuring such pieces as ‘It’s time to re-think David Duke.’”

STEVE KING LOSES IOWA REPUBLICAN PRIMARY: “King had publicly endorsed a white nationalist candidate for mayor in Toronto. The candidate, Faith Goldy, has promoted books espousing anti-Semitic ideas and defending the white supremacist ’14 words’ slogan, according to the Toronto Star. He also faced backlash for comments questioning whether humanity would exist anymore if not for rape and incest throughout history.”


Heh, indeed.™

YOU WENT FULL BANE. NEVER GO FULL BANE: Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey, “in a passionate speech on Tuesday, suggested the protests sweeping the nation may yield long-term benefits. ‘Yes, America is burning. But that’s how forests grow,’ she said.”

The fire rises.