Archive for 2020

THE BRITISH POLICE SEEM WORSE THAN USELESS: Fears over race relations affected police probe into child sex grooming gang, report suggests. “The authorities knew that many [victims] were being subjected to the most profound abuse and exploitation but did not protect them from the perpetrators. This is a depressingly familiar picture and has been seen in many other towns and cities across the country.”

Britain’s politics used to be described as “aristocracy tempered by riot.” Sounds like they’re overdue for a riot.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY: On this day in 2001, Wikipedia went live.  Its English language version now has 5,995,387 entries.

KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEF: Post-Debate Creepy Porn Lawyer Edition. “Debates are the worst parts of these interminably long modern presidential primary seasons. They’re farcical affairs moderated by faux journalists who think they should get as much attention as the candidates. Last night’s nonsense was so bad that the far-left Hollywood publication Variety wrote a debate wrap-up with a headline saying that the questions from the far-left CNN hacks failed both ‘the candidates and the electorate’.”

Variety was too kind.

NO, ALL THINGS AREN’T EQUAL, QUID PRO QUO-WISE: Over at Issues & Insights today, Pepperdine Economics Professor Gary Galles explains why “this-for-that” in the impeachment war doesn’t work in free markets. Personally, I thought that Smith guy from Scotland settled this issue in 1776 but evidently the rising generation prefers an impoverished green new deal to a wealthy nation.

WATCH VIRGINIA: Guns the No. 2 ‘extremely important’ issue in 2020. “While guns and gun policy can fall away as key talking points in presidential elections, this year may prove different because pro- and anti-gun forces are fighting in several states and because all the Democratic presidential candidates are favoring different gun bans and controls. That is similar to 2016 when Hillary Clinton endorsed a gun ban, and President Trump was endorsed by the National Rifle Association.”

Hey, the communist Chinese government agrees with the Dems that Americans have too many guns. Probably for the same reasons.



If this isn’t true, it’s only because the audience was so small.