Archive for 2020

WELL, MSNBC: ‘Fact-Based Truth’: MSNBC Demonized Ron DeSantis; Where’s the Apology?

So, according to Mike Barnicle, the “experts” were agreed that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was doing the exact opposite of what was needed to fight the coronavirus pandemic. Barnicle specifically contrasted Florida’s governor to the governors of Massachusetts, New York, California, Illinois and Michigan, where “fact-based truth” allegedly prevailed.

Well, where are we now, more than two months later? How did Barnicle’s “expert” opinion fare? Here are the per-capita coronavirus death rates (deaths per million residents) for these states:

New York ………………………. 1,519
Massachusetts ………………… 950
Michigan ………………………… 534
Illinois ……………………………. 400
Florida …………………………… 108
California ……………………….. 100

So, Florida’s death rate has been 93% lower than New York, 89% lower than Massachusetts, 80% lower than Michigan, 73% lower than Illinois. The only state named by Barnicle that has done better than Florida in terms of its COVID-19 death rate is California. Given that Barnicle is such a proponent of “fact-based truth,” doesn’t it seem to you that the viewers of MSNBC deserve an explanation of why he got this so wrong?

Keep in mind that on March 23, when Barnicle was busy smearing Ron DeSantis and the MSNBC chyron declared that Florida’s coronavirus cases had passed the 1,000 mark, Massachusetts had only 777 known cases. Two weeks later, however, the situation had reversed, with Massachusetts reporting 15,202 cases on April 7, when Florida had 14,707 cases. Now? Massachusetts has 94,220 cases and 6,547 deaths, compared to 52,634 cases and 2,320 deaths in Florida — almost twice as many cases, and nearly three times as many deaths, despite the fact that Florida’s population (21.5 million) is more than three times larger than the population of Massachusetts (6.9 million).

You’re not judged according to results. You’re judged according to where you’re situated in the narrative.

NEW TWIST ON AN OLD BUM RAP AGAINST BELIEVERS: Glenn Stanton, writing for The Federalist, gets some giggles, thanks to Harvard’s Steven Pinker, who probably should stay in his own lane.


But how long before Trump is accused of playing politics because Minneapolis is a blue city with a lefty Democratic mayor?

KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEF: Can Joe Biden Survive a Battle With…Joe Biden? “That Biden is the Democrats’ presumptive nominee is truly remarkable when you think about it. He’s all but abandoned his native tongue. He had one mediocre debate performance while the rest ranged from awful to disastrous. He’s off-script more than Robin Williams during his peak cocaine years on Mork and Mindy, yet everyone over on that side keeps giving him a pass.”


On May 26, Chinese President Xi Jinping told senior officers the Peoples Liberation Army and Peoples Armed Police Force increase “preparedness for armed combat” as well as other military tasks.

It is a chilling thought, but Xi may have several “tasks” in mind, for both the PLA and the PAP.

Possible answers follow. But some answers are hard fact breaking news: Hong Kong and India. “In the last six weeks, Indian media have reported that Indian and Chinese soldiers have clashed along what is called The Line of Actual Control threading through the Himalayas.” Read the entire essay.

HOGS AND EAGLES OVERHEAD: A pair of A-10 Thunderbolt IIs and a pair of F-15 Eagles based in Idaho participate in a flyover honoring the state’s citizens and essential workers who keep “Idaho running” during the COVID-19 pandemic. Photo taken May 15, 2020.