Archive for 2020

ROGER SIMON: Go Lincoln-Douglas: Eliminate Moderators from Presidential Debates. “Let’s completely eliminate moderators from presidential debates, all of them, not just Chris Wallace, although I’m almost certain the vast majority of Fox viewers would be delighted to see him go altogether. Presidential debates should be conducted in the time-honored Lincoln-Douglas style, just the two candidates by themselves on stage.”

It’s an idea so crazy, it just might work.

AN EARTH-SHATTERING KABOOM: Stellar explosion in Earth’s proximity. “While a very close supernova could inflict massive harm to life on Earth, this one was far enough away. It only caused a boost in cosmic rays over several thousand years. ‘However, this can lead to increased cloud formation,’ says co-author Dr. Thomas Faestermann. ‘Perhaps there is a link to the Pleistocene epoch, the period of the Ice Ages, which began 2.6 million years ago.'”

EPIC: TED CRUZ DEMOLISHES CNN’S FREDO CUOMO IN 20-MINUTE BRAWL. “Cuomo eventually steered the rhetorical cage match to a conclusion and on the liberal media-fueled fear Trump won’t leave office if he loses, but in the final few moments on COVID, he falsely claimed that Biden never called the administration’s China travel ban ‘xenophobic.’ Seeing as how he bet Cruz dinner that Biden never said that, the Texas junior senator should start looking at restaurants as, despite claims from so-called fact-checkers, Biden did say it.”

OH, FER CHRISSAKES: You’d think a Harvard Law Professor would know how to style a complaint and name the appropriate parties from whom he seeks libel damages…but this is the Ivy League, where skill and understanding take a back seat to political litmus tests and identity politics.

Which reminds me: Which Yale Law School graduate and failed Presidential candidate and her surrogates convenienttly forgot how the Constitution works? Here’s a clue: “She got more votes!


CHRISTIAN TOTO: Hollywood’s Silence on Cancel Culture Censorship Is Darn Near Criminal.

Did anyone think it would stop with “Gone With the Wind?”

That movie classic got temporarily removed from HBO Max before it returned with a “warning” about its outdated content. Even the Blu-ray version of the Oscar-winning film now carries a “trigger warning” for those about to view it.

In a way, “Gone With the Wind” got lucky. It hasn’t been permanently yanked from public view.

At least not yet.

The same isn’t true for several Adult Swim shows. They’ve been “permanently retired due to cultural sensitivities,” Variety reports. Let that phrase sink in. Chances are we’ll be hearing similar verbiage in the weeks to come.

Read the whole thing.

VODKAPUNDIT PRESENTS YOUR DAILY INSANITY WRAP: Is That a Pipe Bomb in Your Pocket Or Are You Just Happy to Arrest Me?

Insanity Wrap needs to know: What should the New York Times say in a COVID-19 that shows Trump was right all along about travel?

Answer: Orange Man Bad, hater.

Before we get to the sordid details, a quick preview of today’s Wrap.

  • This is CNN: Chris Cuomo lies for Andrew Cuomo even though Andrew was already busy lying for himself.
  • The Media-Democrat love that dare not speak its name.
  • Another George Carlin bit becomes real.

And so much more at the link, you’d have to be crazy to miss it.

KRUISER’S MORNING BRIEF: It’s Time That Democrats Are Asked to Condemn Some Things. “It’s farcical that Trump is being forced to condemn the violence in America when most of it is being directed at him. In a sane world, journalists would be pressing Biden to disavow not only antifa, but the anti-cop, anti-American Black Lives Matter movement as well. Both groups have become threats to national security.”


When people tell you who they are, believe them. And this is the former CEO of Twitter talking, which also tells us a lot about Twitter.


Statements like this should result in ostracism, but we reserve that sort of punishment for more serious offenses, like accidental misgendering.

OOPS: Modern dual-flush toilets intended to save water actually waste BILLIONS of gallons every year, reveals report.

Most dual-flush toilets use a drop valve, which sits underwater at the bottom of the tank.

Instead of relying on siphoning it uses gravity to do the job, which means less water for every flush.

But that valve can easily be stuck open by mineral deposits or other debris, causing the toilet to fill continuously.

Plus: “The volume of water loss is getting bigger every day as more people refurbish and retrofit their older toilets and as we build more homes, so we’re actually adding a problem.”


When my family moved to North Hollywood, I was 11. We lived in a safe, clean suburb. Yes, Los Angeles had serious crime and homelessness problems, but those were problems relegated to pockets of the city—problems that, with good governance, we thought could eventually be healed. Instead, the government allowed those problems to metastasize.

As of 2011, Los Angeles County counted less than 40,000 homeless; as of 2020, that number had skyrocketed to 66,000. Suburban areas have become the sites of homeless encampments. Nearly every city underpass hosts a tent city; the city, in its kindness, has put out port-a-potties to reduce the possibility of COVID-19 spread.

Police are forbidden in most cases from either moving transients or even moving their garbage. Nearly every public space in Los Angeles has become a repository for open waste, needles, and trash. The most beautiful areas of Los Angeles, from Santa Monica beach to my suburb, have become wrecks.

My children have personally witnessed drug use, public urination, and public nudity. Looters were allowed free reign in the middle of the city during the Black Lives Matter riots; Rodeo Drive was closed at 1 p.m., and citizens were curfewed at 6 p.m.

To combat these trends, local and state governments have gamed the statistics, reclassifying offenses and letting prisoners go free. Meanwhile, the police have become targets for public ire. In July, the city of Los Angeles slashed police funding, cutting the force to its lowest levels in over a decade.

Decay is a choice.