Archive for 2020

HERMAN CAIN HOSPITALIZED WITH COVID-19: “Cain was admitted to a hospital Wednesday and is being treated for COVID-19. The former Republican presidential candidate is doing well and is not on a ventilator, his staff tells Newsmax.”


Jeff Reynolds will be on The Mark Griffith Show today at 3pm ET 1pm MT in Denver on 560 KLZ radio.  Join us by using the “KLZ 560” app on your phone or online at  Call the show at 303-477-5600.

We will be discussing the pros and CONS of Vote By Mail Only and how it can be misused and corrupted.

As States Consider Vote by Mail, Does Oregon’s System Stand Up to Scrutiny?


THIS JUST IN FROM THE HOUSE OF STEPHANOPOULOS: Going to National Parks Is Racist, Declares ABC News. “Dear Libs: You aren’t going to shame Americans into accepting collective responsibility for crimes they didn’t commit. You’re just going to alienate them, and they’re not going to listen to you when there are real problems to solve. I guess you want a Trump landslide in November, huh?”

KURT SCHLICHTER: Stop Making Sense.

It’s time for us to riot, not in the streets, because we have jobs and we’re not going to destroy our own stuff, but at the ballot box. That’s where we lay waste to their Venezuelan dreams. In the primaries, vote for woke conservatives, not establishment saps. And then in November, vote straight Republican down the ballot.

Sure, much of the GOP consists of spineless saps eager to join Mitt Romney – father of the Miracle Whip box set of sons Tagg, Tugg, Togg, Skip, Skoop, Skup, Freen, Ween, and Peen – in donning the latex and gimping out for the pleasure of their WaPo masters. But the nice thing about those cowardly sissies is that we can ensure they are more afraid of us than of the leftists they yearn to obey. We can fire them, and then they’ll have to get real jobs. This prospect scares them even more than a mean tweet from that desiccated crone Jennifer Rubin.

Finally, step four: Stop making sense. Unless it’s directed at the unwoke, making sense is a waste of your time. This is about power. Time to use yours.

Read the whole thing.

JIM TREACHER: DC Socialite Throws Party, Spreads Coronavirus.

The virus doesn’t care how rich [Ashley Taylor Bronczek] is, or who her friends are, or how much money she raised for the ballet, or anything else. It’s a virus. It spreads. That’s what viruses do.

I hope Bronczek and her party guests recover, and I hope they didn’t spread it to too many other people. The same thing goes for all the people out there in the streets right now, risking the virus because #BlackLivesMatter more than keeping Grandma safe does. That’s all I can do: hope.

And if and when my hopes are dashed, I can rest assured that the whole thing will be my fault.

Read the whole thing.

WELL, THAT’S A TAKE: CHOP Made Seattle Look Like a Real City. “What made Seattle a real city for a moment is now being returned to what makes it not a city. Clean, privatized surfaces and middle-class respect of property. And indeed we can say that this is what really triggered the downfall of CHOP, Durkan’s strong middle-class attachment to property, particularly her own.”

When the progressive left says they reject middle-class values, they mean it.