Archive for 2019

DAVID LIMBAUGH: Leftists Whipping Themselves Into a Jacobin Frenzy.

What concerns me as much as this pattern of ill will and abuse from leftists is that it is unchecked by their peers and often applauded. Instead of encouraging people to appeal to the better angels of their nature, they are beckoning them to summon their demons and become part of a mob mentality — as if we’re witnessing a replay of events that preceded the French Revolution.

It’s unsettling that they rationalize their misbehavior as justified, even warranted. They’ve convinced themselves that conservatives’ views are so noxious they’ve forfeited any expectation to be treated civilly and they deserve to be shunned, muzzled and boycotted — especially members of minority groups who have strayed from the reservation. They are “garbage people,” “deplorables” and subhumans who are not entitled to equal rights, let alone decent treatment.

They say these things because they believe them.

OH: Russian National Who Offered Dirt on Hillary Clinton Was an FBI informant.

Former Trump campaign adviser Michael Caputo says “a Russian national FBI informant” offered to give him dirt on Hillary Clinton in May of 2016, but no one, including DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz and U.S. Attorney John Huber, seems interested in hearing about it.

Caputo says that he forgot to mention a couple of suspicious episodes when the House and Senate Intelligence Committees first asked him if any Russians had offered him dirt on Clinton.

It wasn’t until the New York Times published a bombshell story in May of 2018, disclosing that the FBI had indeed used informants in its “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation in 2016, that Caputo says a “light bulb” went off in his head.

He says he went back and shared the information with the House and Senate Intelligence Committees as soon as he remembered.

Not long after that, Caputo was interviewed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team. He told PJ Media that he expected to be there until nightfall. As it turned out, he was done by 3 p.m.

Curious all around.

YOU CAN BE SURE HE’S “GROWN” SINCE THEN: Letters from Joe Biden reveal how he sought support of segregationists in fight against busing.

It was more than four decades ago as a battle raged across the country — and in Congress — over sending white students to majority-black schools and black students to majority-white schools often far away from their own neighborhoods. Biden forcefully opposed the government’s role in trying to integrate schools, saying he favored desegregation, but believed busing did not achieve equal opportunity.

In a series of never-before-published letters from Biden, which were reviewed by CNN, the strength of his opposition to busing comes into sharper focus, particularly how he followed the lead of — and sought support from — some of the Senate’s most fervent segregationists.

I wonder who brought these letters to CNN’s attention.

HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: Berkeley teacher/Antifa leader ordered to pay $20,000 for withholding public records of her activism.

Last year Yvette Felarca was ordered to pay $11,000 to the former president of the University of California-Berkeley College Republicans for filing a bad-faith restraining order against him.

She’s best known for her documented assault of a man at a white nationalist rally in 2016, for which she’s facing a felony charge in Sacramento.

This year, the Berkeley public school teacher and Antifa leader has been ordered to pay even more to a conservative legal organization for withholding public records it sought under state law. . . .

Chhabria, an Obama administration appointee, was just getting started.

He said Felarca and her colleagues Lori Nixon and Larry Stefl made claims “premised on the obviously baseless assumption that the First Amendment condemns the ‘alt-right’ while condoning the ideological missions of their own organizations.” They are active in the radical group By Any Means Necessary.

Congrats to Judicial Watch for making her pay.

THE FIX IS IN: Google under fire for dubbing ‘Unplanned’ film ‘propaganda.’

The Daily Signal’s Kelsey Bolar noted Thursday that Google classifies “Unplanned” as a “drama/propaganda.”

“Who knew that ‘propaganda’ was a movie genre? Google once again exposing its gross political bias,” Bolar tweeted a screenshot of search results, which have been verified by Fox News.

Another Twitter user compared the search results of “Unplanned” with those of left-leaning films like the Dick Cheney biopic “Vice” and the documentaries of Michael Moore. None of them were considered “propaganda” by Google.

This matters because how Google classifies something impacts how easy (or difficult) it is to find on Alphabet-owned platforms like Google and YouTube.

RELATED: YouTube Hides PragerU Video of Candace Owens’ Testimony in ‘Restricted Mode.’

BECAUSE THEY SUCK: Why the EU is Cracking Down on Speedy Supercars.

A MONTH AGO, as I was checking out of a hotel in Stuttgart bound for Geneva in a hot new Porsche 911, a man approached me in the lobby, like Elijah in “Moby-Dick,” warning me of danger ahead. “Are you driving the red car to Switzerland?” he asked in English. “You know, they just put somebody in jail for four years for speeding.”

How fast was he going? Two-hundred ten, came the answer—not miles, but kilometers per hour. That’s 130 mph. I went weak in the knees as I flashed back on all the times I’ve exceeded 130 mph in Switzerland. Every time, practically. Four years!

I drove to Geneva like I was leading my mother’s funeral, never exceeding 85 mph in a car with a top speed 100 mph faster, constantly surveilled by Switzerland’s robust speed camera network. Hey Nonny Nonny. This sucks.

It’s over. The era of European grand touring—the pursuit and enjoyment of elite speed across the face of the continent in powerful cars, the classic driving vacation — is finito.

Plus: “Not to be elitist: A Ford Fiesta you rent at Aéroport Charles de Gaulle outside Paris is fast enough to ruin the family vacation. France recently lowered the national speed limit on rural roads without a divider from 90 to 80 kph. That’s about 50 mph. It’s a slumber party.”

Statists ruin everything.

LIZ SHELD’S MORNING BRIEF: Comey Don’t Know Nothin’ About No Spyin’ and Much, Much More. “Not the best and the brightest. Fired FBI Director and social media #resistence influencer James Comey is confused about what Attorney General William Barr meant when he said the intelligence community was ‘spying’ on the Trump campaign.”

ISRAEL: “With 100% reporting Netanyahu/Likud 36 seats; Gantz/Blue-&-White 35 seats. Same as it ever was…. But the pre-election polls and exit polls showed a tie or Gantz ahead by 2 or 4 seats. After Brexit, and after Clinton-Trump, why trust the polls?”

HOW OBAMA SPIED ON TRUMP: The Epoch Times’ U.S. editor Jasper Fakkert offers a comprehensive round-up of all the ways the former chief executive’s minions used the power and presence of the federal government to spy on the Trump campaign, beginning in 2015. All of which raises the classic Watergate question: What did the president know and when did he know it?

SPACE FORCE: Proposal for Space Force draws Senate skepticism: Lawmakers complain of more bureaucracy.

Whether it will produce more bureaucracy or not depends on execution. But it will be a new bureaucracy, and new bureaucracies are usually pretty creative and active for a decade or so until they ossify. (See, e.g., NASA). Question: Is the coming decade the one where we need that creativity in military space? I can imagine that it is, but it might be the one after that.

IT ISN’T SPYING WHEN DEMOCRATS DO IT: James Comey breaks with Barr: ‘I don’t consider that spying.’

RELATED: Democrats’ railings about Barr and spying will end badly for them.

When A.G. Barr stated he would be investigating the “spying” on the Trump campaign, the Democrats on the committee were shocked, truly stunned. How dare he suggest such a thing? These folks, for over two years, have had their heads deep in ostrich sand. They are apparently completely unaware, or pretend to be, of the massive amounts of actual proof that the Obama administration illegally attempted to eliminate Trump from the running by trying to plant its own spies in the campaign and surveil under prohibited pretexts. Part of this plan was to create and amass fake evidence to be used against him. As almost everyone knows by now, the “Russia Collusion” hoax was just that, a hoax, devised by persons with power in the FBI, the DOJ, the NSA and the Obama administration. Once Hillary lost the election, her minions, such as the disreputable Rob Mook, were right there to get the claim out that she lost because “the Russians hacked the election.” Yeah, right. No way. Not a chance. Did she know then that her supporters in the Obama administration, the FBI, and the DOJ had already implemented a stratagem to undo his victory? Probably. That would explain her leap to blame her loss on “the Russians.” Hillary is a callous, nasty piece of work.

Can these people, these Democrats on the Oversight Committee and those media narcissists who melted down after Barr uttered those few words on Wednesday, be as truly uniformed as they seem to be?

They might not know much, but they know exactly what they’re doing.