Archive for 2019


Don’t expect the coming election to be “fair,” even by the lax standards of the last few. Every left-controlled institution will be all-in to kill off Trump, regardless of collateral damage.

HE’S NOT A SCIENTIST, BUT HE PLAYS ONE ON TV: Bill Nye: There’s a ‘Pearl Harbor’ Moment Every Week on Climate.

Just days after Memorial Day, when veterans are remembered for giving their lives in battle, Nye nonchalantly claimed there is a “Pearl Harbor” moment on climate change every week — but is only being recognized by his side: “the science side.”

The actual act of war at Pearl Harbor killed 2,403 people, and led to the U.S. declaration of war. Yet, he considered this an apt metaphor for natural disasters he claims are fueled by human-induced climate change.

“We don’t have Pearl Harbor, by analogy. We never had this catastr—- people from the U.S. were fighting the war in Europe. They were flying missions since the late 1930s. Flying bombing runs. But it wasn’t until Pearl Harbor where everybody really got serious about winning,” Nye said. He failed to specify that Americans who fought the Axis ahead of Dec. 8, 1941, did so as voluntary and private citizens. War was not declared until after the Pearl Harbor attack.

He continued, “But the trouble with climate change is it’s happening in slow motion.”

“So there will never be a Pearl Harbor moment?” Stelter asked.

“Well, for us there’s one every week. And so, for us on the science side,” Nye insisted.

Forget Vietnam — here’s the real quagmire: “Progressive” philosopher William James’ moral equivalent of war trope is over a century old, and sees no sign of a peaceful resolution. Which is why, as Tim Blair quipped in January, if radical environmentalism is refighting WWII, “Fair enough. Nuking Hiroshima it is, then.”

SOMEONE “DEMONIZED” ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ! DESTROY THAT DEMON’S LIFE! A Washington Post sportspolitics column written with a wild lack of self-awareness – or maybe a brilliant parody. Hiding blatant power politics behind transparent protestations of principle is setting Americans at one another’s throats. If it doesn’t stop, something’s going to give.

COLD WAR II: Dozens of Confucius Institutes still operate across US.

U.S. intelligence agencies have labeled Confucius Institutes as threats because of their associations with the Chinese Communist Party, according to reports obtained by the Washington Free Beacon last year.

“The [Chinese Communist Party] provides ‘strings-attached’ funding to academic institutions and think tanks to deter research that casts it in a negative light,” the unclassified portion of the report reads. “It has used this tactic to reward pro-China viewpoints and coerce Western academic publications and conferences to self-censor. The CCP often denies visas to academics who criticize the regime, encouraging many China scholars to preemptively self-censor so they can maintain access to the country on which their research depends.”

Last year, Congress responded to these fears by passing a bill, first introduced by Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, restricting Department of Defense funding for Chinese language learning from colleges that host Confucius Institutes. President Donald Trump signed that legislation into law.

Despite legislative efforts, 91 Confucius Institutes remain across the country, according to data supplied by the National Association of Scholars. While a majority of the institutes are hosted on college campuses, a handful of the institutions are at K-12 schools.

Interactive map at the link.

DEMOCRATS’ EQUALITY ACT GUARANTEES ANYTHING BUT: Philosopher Nancy Pearcey looks at a particular aspect — legal protection for transgender people — of the bill that passed the House May 17 with support by all 228 Democrats and 8 Republicans. Her conclusions won’t be popular with the professional advocates who dominate the LGBT community.

“Transgender activists insist the only acceptable way to treat gender dysphoria is with puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgery. But is it really good practice to turn children into life-long medical patients?

“We are talking about powerful drugs that have negative side effects and surgeries that amputate healthy body parts. And in most cases, they are not necessary: Studies show that 80 to 95 percent of children come to accept their biological sex as their hormones change during puberty.”

Pearcey has much more. Read the whole thing.